Chapter 12: Pizza & Breakups

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Ozzie's POV

Yesterday morning, Sophie told me she wanted to hang out as friends. I reluctantly accepted knowing she's in multiple of my classes next year and so we have to be cordial.

I know Luke would understand, but I just can't tell him this. He's never been a jealous guy, but what if he turns into one? Of course, he has nothing to be jealous of, though.

"Pizza? My favorite!" Sophie giggles as we head into the pizzeria. I promised Luke I would bring him a pizza, so that's exactly what I'm doing. I would do just about anything for my boy.

"One cheese pizza, please," I say to the front counter, and in a few minutes they have my order ready. Except when I go outside, Luke is nowhere to be found. Maybe he's with the boys? No. He wouldn't forget something like this; he's not a forgetful kind of guy. So, naturally, when I don't spy him for a minute or so, I dig into the pizza with Sophie.

"So, this guy of yours. He treat you right?" Sophie asks me in between mouthfuls of pizza.

"I think he treats me too well sometimes. He's just... everything. Everything I've been missing."

"But don't you miss us?"

My heart stops.

"No... I don't... I'm with Luke now. I'm happier than I've ever been."

"We had something good, Ozzie. Something real. I want it back."

"I don't. I'm in love with Luke!"

Her lips graze mine for a millisecond before I pull away. "What the fuck, Sophie?! I thought we came here as friends!"

"You'll never be just my friend, Ozzie. You have to see that."

"I don't care about what I am to you. You will never be anything romantic to me. Ever."

With that, I put the remaining pizza in my basket and bike back to the Goldstein's house as fast as I can. I really just wanna see Luke right now.

"Babe?" I call up the stairs. Silence. Weird. I push open my bedroom door where I expect to find him but he's not there. Weird again. Finally, I check his room, and he's sprawled there on his bed sleeping. "Luke?" I whisper, and he startles awake. It takes him a second to find his bearings before he jumps away from me as if he's repulsed. "What's wrong?"

"I um—"

"Why aren't you sleeping in my room? I don't understand, I—"

"I saw you today," he whispers. "With Sophie."

"Shit. Luke, I swear it wasn't what it looked like—"

"She kissed you, Oz," he sobs. "I don't know how you can talk your way out of that one."

"You're right, Luke. She kissed me. But I didn't lead her on at all, and I pushed her away immediately. I love you. No one else."

"I don't know what to believe. I don't know anything anymore."

"You don't know if you love me?!" I cry.

"Of course I love you I just wish you would have told me you were hanging out with her!"

"I'm so, so sorry. I fucked up. I just thought it was weird because you hooked up with her, and—"

"That's not an excuse, Oz."

"I know. And I can't apologize enough."

He's silent for a moment before he speaks again.

"I just think we need some time apart so we can figure out our feelings about everything."

"So you're breaking up with me?"


I stand up and head to his door. "Fine. But let me make this clear. It will always be you, Luke Goldstein. So break up with me, but never forget that this is how I feel about you."

I slam his door behind me and crawl into my bed before I just let it all out and start bawling. Did Luke just break up with me? Did my best friend just break up with me?

Maybe Jude was right.

Maybe I just have a fucked up track record when it comes to relationships.


The next morning I awake to texts from the boys telling Luke and I to meet them at the bungalow. Even though I'm most definitely not in the mood, Luke drives us over anyway.

"Hey guys!" Dane bellows when we walk through the door. "Have an eventful night?"

"What makes you say that?" I groan.

"It's one in the afternoon."

"Uh—yeah, yeah. Super fun night," Luke says as he drapes his arms over my shoulders and kisses the side of my head. "Don't let them know we broke up," he whispers in my ear.

So first he breaks up with me, and now he's teasing me by still acting like my boyfriend? No fucking way.

"I um—I'm not feeling too well. I'll be right back," I say before I dash into the bathroom. I take some cold water and splash it onto my face to wake myself up. My stomach is so freaking uneasy that I want to puke.

So I do.

I've never thrown up just from nerves, but apparently today my digestive system is just not having it. I sit next to the toilet and gasp for air after I've lost just about my entire dinner from last night and breakfast from this morning.

"Oz?" I hear from outside the bathroom door.

"Not the time."

"Just let me in."

I reluctantly open the door and Luke enters the bathroom and sits on the edge of the bathtub. "What's the matter?" he whispers.

"What's the matter? Ah, what's the matter?! You broke up with me last night and then told me you wanted to continue acting all couple-y in front of the boys! That's not fair, Luke!"

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to tell them we broke up."

"And why's that?"

"Because I don't want the breakup to be real."

I'm silent for a moment before speaking. "Then why'd you do it?"

"Because I don't know what to believe—what my own eyes saw or what my girlfriend's telling me."

"Ex-girlfriend," I correct him, and he winces.

"Did you throw up in here?"


"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just so anxious about the fact that the love of my life broke up with me and won't tell anybody."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be, honestly. In what world would I cheat on you if you're everything I've always wanted?"

"I-I don't know. But, Ozzie?"


"In all seventeen years I've known you you've never thrown up from anxiety."


"So... are you late?"

"I literally wanna slap you for saying that," I hiss. "I'm on my period right now; I'm not stupid enough to be pregnant with my ex-boyfriend's baby!"

"I was just checking, jesus! And please... please stop calling me your ex-boyfriend."

"Don't you get it, Luke? That's what you are to me right now. Please just get out."

And with that, he sadly nods his head and exits the bathroom, leaving me there alone.

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