Chapter 13: Campouts and Make-outs

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Ozzie's POV

1 week later...

Well, it's been just over a week since Luke broke my heart into two by breaking up with me. The fact that we still have to act like a couple in front of Jude and Dane is really not helping me move on.

On the bright side, though, Jude got Sunny back. It also doesn't help that he's talking about his fantastic relationship during my private breakup, but I'm happy for him. He deserves it.

"So, here's what I'm thinking," Jude says late Friday night to the group. "What if we take two tents onto the beach and have a little camp? Doesn't that sound fun?! It could be one of our last hurrahs since school starts back up in a few weeks."

"I'm game," Dane tells us.

"Me too," Luke says.

"I guess that means I am too."

The boys looks at me strangely. Dammit. I should've been more enthusiastic, huh?

"Alright well I kinda already brought down the tents and all the supplies because I knew you guys were gonna say yes... so let's go! Dane and I will take one tent and Ozzie and Luke will take the other."

Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

Why wouldn't we share a tent? In their minds we're still a couple, after all. Shit. I feel Luke's gaze on me and my cheeks heat up. Don't look at him, Ozzie.

We gather onto the beach around eleven and everyone says goodnight and hurries into their tents before the cops see us. Technically, it's illegal to sleep on the beach, but people get away with it all the time. The perks of being in black tents is that no one will ever see us.

"So, um. We can watch movies on my laptop until we fall asleep, if you want," Luke says to me once we're settled in our tent.

"No thanks. I was actually just gonna go to sleep."

"Come on, Oz. Watch a movie with me. Please." I can practically hear the begging tone in his voice and so I turn back around to face him.

"One movie."

We end up watching three: Hercules, The Little Mermaid, and Aladdin. Disney movies always make me feel comforted, and I know Luke knows that.

"What time is it?" I groan as I rub my eyes.

"Almost four."

"Jesus. I should head to bed."

"C-can we talk?"

I turn back around and lay on my side. "About what?"


"There is no us anymore, Luke."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I just want my girlfriend back. I miss everything about you being my girlfriend. I miss your cuddles, your hugs, your kisses. I miss the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh. I miss your dirty jokes. I miss the way you made me feel. I miss the way I felt when I was holding you in my arms. I miss it all."

"You really hurt me, Luke. You broke my heart."

"I know, and I don't think a billion apologies will ever take away that hurt. But I am sorry. So, so sorry. I never should have doubted you."

"You're right; you shouldn't have," I whisper.

"It's just... seeing you with someone else broke me. And I don't want you to break up with me for Sophie, so I broke up with you first."

"You're sounding very insecure right now."

"It's because I was. But I realize that there's no reason to be. I don't care if you break my heart; I'm just honored that I get to love you."

"I'm not gonna break your heart."

"Did you mean what you said in the bathroom the other day?" he whispers, inching closer to my face. "That I'm the love of your life?"

"Why would you care?"

"Because you're mine."

"I know," I joke. "Obviously."

"I love you so, so much. I have for my entire life."

"I can't say I've loved you for my entire life, but I can say that I'll love you from this point on forever and ever."

"Forever doesn't seem like enough time for us."

"It really doesn't," I breathe before crashing my lips against his. All of the hurt that I've felt this past week goes into the kiss, all of the good moments and the bad moments, and the moments yet to come.

"I love you," he tells me again before I drag his lips to mine once more.

"I love you too. Forever and ever and ever."

"Y'all made up?" I hear from the boys' tent.

"You knew we broke up?" I call over to them.

"Of course we did. I've never seen you two so mopey."

"Ever wonder why we decided to sleep in tents tonight?"

"Oh my god, go to bed!" I giggle.

"Seems like the universe is on our side, too," Luke whispers as he pulls me in for another kiss and cuddles. "I've missed this."

"Me too."

I know my relationship is far from perfect—it actually can be quite complicated at times. But the thing is I don't care how messy or imperfect this could possibly get. It's perfect to me—to us—and that's all that matters.

Soon my parents will be home and Dane will go to college and school will start up again, but I'm not worried about that. My friends are the most consistent people in my life, and they always will be here for me.

Especially Luke. He'll be there through all of life's biggest moments.

Because when you know, you know.

And I know it's Luke. Forever and always.

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