A Ride to Remember

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When Percy asked Chaos to put him in disguise with the other soldiers of the army on the way to Earth, he should have asked for a private ship. He was currently in a ship with 200 other soldiers and it was chaotic. People were swordfighting in one place and shooting arrows in another.

How in Chaos was he expected to sleep?

After a couple of hours of searching the ship, he finally found a spot where he was all alone. That spot was outside the ship...

After a while Percy managed to overcome the freezing cold and fell asleep.

In his dream, he was on a mountaintop. A ghosty purple bonfire cast shadows across the trees. Percy's eyes stung from smoke, and the ground was so warm, the soles of his boots felt sticky.

A voice from the dark rumbled, "You forget your duty."

Percy couldn't see him, but he definitely recognized the voice. He just wasn't sure who it was. He looked around for any sign of where he might be, but he couldn't see down the mountain.

"I promise I am not getting distracted. I will do as you say. You will just have to be patient." Another voice yelled.

"PATIENT!" The voice became so loud Percy fell on his knees. "I don't have time to be patient. We must act now."

The voice sounded a lot more scared now. "I'm sorry sir, and I understand very well that we must act now, but..."

"SILENCE!" Percy felt like his ears were going to explode. "GET out of my sight and do what you are supposed to!"

Percy heard footsteps leaving, but his dream didn't end there.

Someone laughed. It was like lava hissing down a volcano.

"I know your there." the voice whispered. "For some reason I can't find out who you are, but that doesn't matter. All that does matter is that you hear what I say."

Percy stayed quiet.

The bonfire roared. Percy tried to step back, but his feet were heavy. He realized the ground was pulling him down, clinging to his boots like wet sand. When he looked up, a shower of purple sparks had spread across the sky, and the sun was rising in the east. A patchwork of cities glowed in the valley below, and far to the west, over a line of rolling hills, he saw a familiar landmark rising from a sea of fog.

Why is he showing this? He is revealing where he is.

The voice growled in the shadows. "Now listen closely, you may think you are coming here to help, but you are not helping the people you think you are."

The dream dissolved. And Percy woke up screaming, free-falling through the air.

Percy tumbled through the sky. Far below he saw city lights glimmering in the early dawn, and several hundred yards away a entire ship spinning out of control.

A body shot past him-a solider, screaming and franctically grabbing at the clouds. "HELLLLLP MEEEE!"

Percy tried to call to him, but he was already too far below.

Somewhere above him, someone yelled, "Guys, just remember what we did in training, spread your arms and legs."

It was hard to control his fear, but he did what he said and regained some balance. He fell spread-eagle like a skydiver, the wind underneath him like a solid block of ice.

Then when Percy thought he was done for, he remembered something that could help him. He was the assassin of Chaos and he could fly.

Well kind of fly. He had Jason's power where you can control winds.

His fall slowed as he controlled the winds, but he still lurched up and down like the winds didn't want to cooperate.

Percy finally got complete control and slowly glided down. He heard a explosion underneath him. A fireball rolled into the sky from behind a warehouse complex. It was the ship.

This was one of the first times that Percy tried using this power, so he wasn't very experienced. Rather than free-falling, it felt like he was bouncing down a giant staircase, a hundred feet at a time, which wasn't doing Percy's stomach any favors.

As he wobbled and zigzagged, Percy could make out buildings-or were they buildings? They looked different than from the last time he was here. Before he could study them any more, he felt a weird sensation in his chest. And suddenly he couldn't fly anymore.

He dropped like a stone.

He hit the roof of a large building and crashed through into darkness.

Percy Jackson, Assassin of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now