Part four

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Kates POV
Saturday, which means sam and Deena are coming over. Yay. I don't really know sam that well, I've been on cheer squad with her and we made small talk but lately we've been talking more and she seems pretty cool. To be honest I think she likes Deena, maybe she's only being friends with me so she can date her or something but I don't really mind. Deena seriously needs a girlfriend, she's been extra clingy lately and as much as I love her it has to stop.

Knock knock
"It's Deena!" I shouted to my parents so they would let me answer the door.
"Okay, be safe. Your mom and I will be back in a few hours." Said my dad before they greeted Deena at the door and left.

"Heyy, ladykiller" I said
"Hey Kate, where's your little cheerleader?" Said Deena.
"you got here first, but why so curious?"
"Just a question, chill out."

She definitely likes her a little, it's so obvious. The way they were giggling at cheer practice when Sam fell, I even noticed Deena and Sam staring at each other sometimes from the field and the bleachers. If they don't make a move soon, then I'll do it for them.

Deena and I walk into my room just as we hear the door bell ring, I answer the door
"hi Kate, that's for inviting me." Said sam
"Hey sam, come on in. Deenas already here." I replied
"Hey Deena"
"hi Sam"

"Okay now that we're all greeted, Deena start your homework while we get on with the project." I announced, while Deena looked irritated at the fact that she had to do school work.

After about two hours passed, we managed to get the project all done. I can't say the same for Deena... she got distracted and started doodling on our project.
Once we were done we decided to go out and get some cheeseburgers to reward ourselves for the hard work, at least me and Sam anyways.

Deenas pov

We all get into my car, sam in the passenger seat and Kate in the back. Kate was insistent that me and sam sit next to each other and volunteered to sit in the back, and when Kate tells you something you listen, so I just shook it off and sat down.

I pulled out a tape from the pocket in the car and we drove off as closer by nine inch nails started to play. Me and Kate were singing along but Sam just sat and listened, she seemed happy anyways. She was smiling and nodding to it. I glanced over at her a few times to make sure she was alright, her smile is pretty. She's pretty.

We pulled up to the drive through,
"Three cheeseburgers please!" I shouted.
"Deena get me some fries!" Kate whispered.
"And some fries please!"

When we parked the car, Sam, Kate and I sat down on the curb, to eat our food. It was dark out even though it was only about 8pm, we stuffed our faces and looked up at the stars.
"I think when you can see stars it means it's gonna get cold" Kate said, she always has these random facts, she's like google or something.
"Oh, that's pretty cool!" Sam said, she sounded genuinely intrigued.
"You guys are such nerds" I said back, before getting an elbow to the rib cage from Kate.
"HEY!" I squealed, shoving her back and next thing I know I've been pushed into poor Sam.
"Oh my gosh!" Sam gasped sarcastically, we all started giggling and got back into the car after finishing our food.

Sam started to get more comfortable around us after the few hours we spent together, she's actually pretty cool for some preppy cheerleader.

I drove Kate home and we said our goodbyes, I turned to Sam and asked where she wanted me to drop her off.
"Oh uhm, could I maybe stay at yours?" She looked kind of embarrassed and flustered.
"Mhm, sure but is everything okay?" I asked.
She nodded it off, so I assumed she didn't want to talk about it.

The rest of the car ride back to mine was quiet, we pulled up to my house and went inside.
"JOSH IM HOME" I shouted.
"Who's josh?" Sam asked.
"My brother, but don't worry he's usually in the basement."
"Oh cool, hey could I borrow some pjs?"
"Yeah sure"
We walked into my room and I tossed her a t-shirt and some pajama bottoms. I threw myself onto my bed and started at the ceiling, not realizing Sam was getting changed RIGHT BESIDE ME?!

"DUDE WAIT ILL LEAVE THE ROOM FIRST" I screamed, getting up. I don't want her to think that I was staring at her or something, even if I was.
"It's a bit late for that, sorry." Sam said, sounding embarrassed,
"Why were you looking anyways" she smirked.
"you're still staring..." she was standing half changed in the pajama bottoms and her bra.
"I'm just gonna turn around, okay?" I faced the door, this is so embarrassing.
She pulled the t shirt over her head and sat down on my bed.
"You're so dramatic, you know that?" She smirked.
"I wasn't asking for a show, you could have warned me, gosh."
"A "show"? That was not a show, trust me." Sam scoffed.
"Sam, you do I'm lesbian, right?"
"That's kinda obvious..."
"Well if it makes you uncomfortable I can sleep on the couch?" I offered
"No, of course not. It's fine don't worry"

I got changed and sat down beside Sam. I turned to her to find she was already staring at me, we held eye contact for a few minutes without saying a single word. I could stare into her eyes all day.

I caught her making quick glances down at my lips, my eyes traced from hers, and then back down again. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest, and my breath getting heavier, slowly her face leaned into mine until we got so close I could feel her breath on my lips, I tilted my head and moved in... the feeling of her lips on mine, I felt myself melt into her. I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her closer, making us kiss harder. She pulled me in by my waist and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach already.

She pulled away a little, still making glances at my lips, then my eyes, then my lips and started to move down to my neck, she pulled off her tshirt and looked back at me as I did the same. Sam pushed me down onto the bed by my shoulders and went back to kissing my neck, tracing down to my bra and then stopped.
"Is this okay?" She asked, the way she looked at me so genuinely made my heart race even faster.
I nodded and her lips moved down towards my lower stomach, she slowly pulled off my pajama bottoms and once again started tracing up my leg with her lips, until she reached my thighs and I guided her head through what was about to happen... once she came back up to look me in the eyes for a moment. I smiled at her and rolled her over so I was on top.
"Are you sure? We can stop anytime." I whispered in her ear.
"keep going" she giggled.
As I kissed her neck and slid my fingers down her abdomen, she wrapped her arms around my back and unclipped my bra and threw it across my room. Grabbing me and touching whatever she could grip onto, pulling us closer.
The tips of my fingers slipped under the waist band on her bottoms, I looked straight into her eyes and then kissed her again until she let out a breath between kisses and was barley kissing back. I kept going, again and again. I wanted to hear her scream and moan. I could tell she was trying so hard to not let it out and keep kissing me until she couldn't hold it in anymore,
"Deena" she finally let out
"Shh!" I giggled.
I kept going until she couldn't even kiss me back anymore, she threw her neck back and tried so hard to not scream, I slowly stopped and traced my fingers along her side, kissing her neck until my fingers reached the lace on her bra, Sam looked at my eyes again, nodding and I traced my fingers behind her back and unclipped the only clothing left she had on.
"I want to trace your skin, not missing an inch" she leaned forward to whisper into my ear, pulling my head closer with her fingers tangled into my hair.
We tumbled over kissing and giggling until she pulled away and put back on her pjs.

We faced each other under the covers, taking in what had just happened.
"Sam Fraser, who knew?" I gasped
"Not me, that's for sure." She finally let out.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer as she traced my back with her finger tips. She rested her head into my neck, between my shoulder and went to sleep with our legs tangled.

||sorry I took so long to publish this chapter. I've been trying to make them longer so here you go!!! Any feed back is much appreciated, and thank u all so much for the votes ilyyyy||

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