Most Likely To...

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I read all of the questions and picked the best ones. There aren't too many, so this will probably be short. If you like this, I might do more of these on my other stories. But enough talking, lets play 'Most Likely Too'!

Q: Who's most likely to become famous?

Jin: Probably Hoseok. This boy is always in the living room, singing and dancing to songs that he makes up on his own. Last night, he was singing and dancing to a song about snakes *looks at Namjoon* how did the song go, baby?

Joon: Something like 'I hate snaaaakes, snakes are stupiddddd, I wish all the snakes would jump in a river and diiiiiie' *laughs*

Q: Who is mostly likely to eat their own poop?

Jin: That would be Jungkook. He's still in that curious stage, so I wouldn't be surprised if I caught him trying to eat his own poop.

Q: Who is mostly likely to eat the whole kitchen?

Jin: Definitely Taehyung. He eats the most out of all of them and always asks for more food during dinner. Sometimes I have to stop him before he makes himself sick, which has happened a few times already.

Q: Who is mostly likely to pretend to be sick and not go to school or do their work?

Joon: It's Hoseok. He's tried that with me many times, but what he doesn't know is I used to do the same thing when I was his age, so I know all about it.

Q: Mostly likely to throw a tantrum over the smallest thing?

Jin: It's a tie between Jimin and Jungkook. With Jungkook, I expect it to happen, I just give him some candy and he's a good boy for the rest of the day. As for Jimin, he's been to the time out chair a few times for  hitting or biting when he didn't get his way.

Q: Who is most likely to get lost?

Jin: Taehyung for sure. He got lost in the grocery store last week, all because he got distracted by some ice cream.

Q: Who's most likely to fight with their siblings?

Joon: it's a tie between Hoseok and Taehyung. They both love to mess with their siblings. I don't know why, I guess it's just their way of expressing their love.

Q: Who's most likely to be a Jinnie's boy or a Joonie's boy?

Jin: Jimin is a big Jinnie's boy. He always wants to be a good boy and always wants to be hugged and kissed by me.

Joon: Yoongi is a big Joonie's boy. He always wants to be around me and sit with me while I work on music. He also loves to talk to me about everything and always wants my advice about everything as well.

Q: Who's mostly likely to accidentally kick a beehive?

Jin: *laughs* I can definitely see Taehyung doing this, he's a very clumsy boy.

Q: Who's most likely to to fall in a river because a squirrel startled them?

Jin: Definitely Hoseok. Even though he tries to be brave, he's scared of a lot of things. Bugs, snakes, heights, clowns, and sometimes the dark, he won't go upstairs at night by himself because it's really dark with all the lights off down there.

Q: Who's most likely to get lost in the airport?

Joon: That would be Jungkook. If you let go of his hand for even a second, he'll run. I already had to chase him around the grocery store, he's fast for a three year old.

Q: Who's mostly likely to throw the first punch when one of their siblings are being bullied?

Joon: Yoongi for sure. He's already very protective of his brothers, so I don't doubt that he'll punch someone for bullying his brothers.

Q: Who's mostly likely to be the one that everyone goes to when they have a nightmare?

Jin: That would be Yoongi again. Since he's the oldest, everyone goes to him.

Q: Who's mostly likely to annoy someone till death?

Jin: As much as I hate to admit this,'s Hoseok. Since he's so hyper and loud, it can be a little overwhelming for others that aren't so hyper and loud.

Annnnd that's all the questions, I hope you liked the answers, I enjoyed answering them, some of them were super funny.


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