Chapter 19

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     I woke up in Carlisle's office. Jasper was sitting next to me, sleeping in his chair while holding my hand. Riv was asleep on his chest. I reached over to grab my phone. This was definitely going in the scrapbook.

     Jaz woke to the sound of the click

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     Jaz woke to the sound of the click. Fuck. Forgot to silence my phone. Stupid. Oh well. He knows I like to take these pictures. I'm just frustrated I interrupted such a beautiful moment. He smiled sleepily.

     "How ya feelin' honey?" He asked, his southern accent smooth like honey. "Your head hurtin' you?" As he said this, I began to register the dull ache in my skull. I nodded.

     "Yeah," I said. "It hurts really bad. What happened?"

     He seemed shocked I didn't remember. He began to tell me how Bella beat the shit out of me. Emmett had already left by that point and it was too far from the house for the others to hear. It wasn't until Bella came back to the house without me that people got worried. They waited another hour, after Bella told them that I said I wanted to be alone, for me to come back. Jasper wasn't home when this was happening. When he got back, he was frantic, asking where I was and if I was okay.

~flashback : Jaspers POV : TW mentions of suicide~

     "Where is she?" I frantically asked, speeding into the house. "Is she okay?"

     "Who?" Esme asked, seeming confused.

     "Kennedy," I said. "Something's wrong. She's hurt. Where is she?" Everyone looked at Bella, who looked like a deer in headlights.

     "She said she wanted to be alone," she said, swallowing her nervousness, pretending to be confident. "Maybe she finally killed herself. Only been waiting for like 12 years." She started laughing. I'm gonna kill her.

     "Where. Is. She." I demanded, taking another sinister step towards Bella with every word spoken. She didn't try to hide the fear this time.

     "In the woods," she hurriedly said. "Where you two talked after you found out she's your mate."

     I sped away from my family and that evil bitch my brother is dumb enough to love. Emmett and Rose were close behind me, each one of us just as worried about her. When we got to the spot, we were frozen. She was laying on the ground, her body covered in red stuff. Blood. She was coughing, trying to clear her airways. She looked half dead. I'm going to kill Bella.

     "Rose," I said, snapping the three of us out of our shock. "Help me with the- with her- fuck- help me with her body please." I didn't want to say 'the body'. She was okay. She was gonna live. She had to. She can't leave me and our kids. She wouldn't do that. Right?

     "What should I do?" Emmett asked, needing something to do to get his mind off his best friends half dead body. I smirked.

     "Go home," I said. "Make sure Bella doesn't leave." He smirked back before speeding back towards the house.

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