Chapter 4

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As I walked to my seat, his eyes never left me. He watched my every move. Analyzing every step I took. Probably wondering why he could see me but not sense me. I have certain powers. One of them is being able to make myself unnoticeable to others. I can slow my heart rate in a stressful situation, make my blood less appealing to vampires, hide my thoughts from mind readers, etc. In due time I'll explain how I got these powers. For now I have to deal with Sir Glares-A-Lot over here.

When I took my seat, he immediately looked away. However, he kept glancing at me, most likely thinking it was going unnoticed. To the regular human eye, it probably would have. I have enhanced eyesight, smell, hearing, strength, speed. I'm practically a human with the cool tricks vampires have. I am, sadly, cursed with immortality as well.

After what seemed like a century of him glaring at me, Brynnlee woke up and started crying. Thankfully River was still sound asleep so I didn't have to deal with two weeping babies. Jaspers stone-hard expression softened at the sound of her cries. Noticing this, I used it to my advantage. Having had four kids, it would have been easy for me to hold her and make a bottle with my pre-pumped breastmilk. But I wanted him to do something other than glare. So, I pretended to struggle.

"Hey, do you think you could hold her?" I asked as I pretended to struggle holding her and making a bottle. "It's a little hard trying to comfort her and make the bottle." A small smile graced his handsome face as he slightly nodded and held his hands out. As I handed Brynnlee off to him, our hands touched. He seemed shocked that I had no reaction to his iced cold skin.

When I finished making the bottle, I went to take her back. He stopped me by asking me an unexpected question. "May I?" he asked, gesturing towards the bottle. As I handed the bottle to him, his smile grew. He looked ecstatic to be holding her. It looked as if all his dreams had come true. I was absolutely shocked and amazed.

By the end of the day, I had figured out a few things. One, history is my first and only class with Jasper. Two, he was most definitely my mate. Three, all but one of his siblings hated me or were timid around me. I had no idea why though. Maybe it's because he already has a girlfriend and I could ruin that. Maybe they think I'm a human and don't want me around them. Maybe they're mad I can play with the blindspots of their powers. Whatever the reason, I needed them to know that I know what they are. That girl needs to know Jasper is mine and I'm willing to rip her fucking head off if I have to.

When I got home, I saw Billys truck in the drive. Apparently Charlie had arranged for him to pick the kids up everyday and stay at the house with them until I get home. That made my life a whole lot easier. Now I didn't have to worry about having enough room for them in the truck. Billy didn't know what the kids liked so he hadn't given them a snack. After giving the girls some chopped fruit and peanut butter, I wrote up a list of things they can and can't have. Once he left, the kids took a nap. This gave me enough time to figure out how I was going to tell them what I knew, how I knew, and who I really was.

Within a few hours, I had decided I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. I was simply going to walk into history class and casually slide a copy of Dracula over to Jasper and see how he reacts (if he doesn't autograph it, I'm going to be insanely disappointed).

{not my idea}

{not my idea}

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