Chapter 24

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"Joshua," I growled. "I'm not in the mood. Go away."

It's been a week since Jasper went missing. We tracked his scent for as long as we could before it went cold. We've searched the entire state. Even the wolves have helped look for him. Nothing. I can feel myself getting weaker. After a vampire finds their true mate, they can only be so far apart for about a week. The others try to help distract me but it's no use. Josh makes it worse sometimes. He and Jasper are a lot alike personality wise. Every joke he makes reminds me of Jasper.

"I know I remind you of Jasper," he said. "But this time it's not a joke. My head really is stuck in the banister. Please help."

Just as I was about to reply I got a phone call. I looked at the ID and saw it was a call from Danny, Josh's best friend/adopted brother.

"What?" I asked after answering.

"Josh texted us," Danny said. I could hear Jake, Josh's twins, and Sam, the twins' younger brother, laughing in the background. That put a small smile on my face. "Is his head really stuck in the banister again?"

"Yes," I replied, laughing slightly. "Want a pic or you guys gonna come over?"

"Coming over!" Sam yelled. "Do NOT move him!"

{time skip ~ 45 minutes}

"Joshua! Stop singing Take Me Home, Country Roads," I begged him. "It's been 45 minutes. Shut up please!"

"I'll shut up when my brothers get he-"

"Kan the Man," Sam yelled from the doorway. "We are here to save you!"

"Don't call me that Francis," I warned him. "I'll kill you in your sleep." All he did was roll his eyes at me.

"Right," Jake started, clapping his hands together. "Where's the butter?"

{time skip ~ 30 minutes}

"Sweet freedom!" Josh exclaimed. "Took you guys long enough."

"It's not our fault you have such a big head," Sam said. "Next time you feel resistance, take it as a sign to not do whatever you were trying to do."

"Alright whatever," I said. "Get out. All of you. I need to find my fiancé."

"Let us help," Jake said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Go see the kids. Try to take a nap. You won't be able to do anything for him if you're hungry and sleep deprived. We'll look for clues while you're gone."

"I'll keep an eye on them," Danny promised. "We'll do whatever we can to help."

"Thank you," I said, starting to cry. I hugged all of them before walking out to my truck.

When I got to Charlie's, Rose met me outside. Me and the kids were staying there until our house on the plot Jasper bought us was finished. She gave me a hug and told me the twins were just put down for a nap.

     Rose and I have formed a new kind of bond with recent events. She and Jasper had a special relationship. They may not have actually been twins but they definitely had the relationship for it. They even had the telepathy, which they always denied. I had so many pictures with him and the kids but she had almost none. I went through my phone and found a picture of them from the twins' first birthday. I printed it out for her and framed it.

     A day after Jasper went missing, I found her crying on the bathroom floor

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A day after Jasper went missing, I found her crying on the bathroom floor. She almost lost the baby from the stress. I got her to the hospital just in time. The baby, a girl named Ophelia Grace, was born on September 27. Rose was 9 months and some weeks pregnant when she went into labor. Lia is still a little unstable due to the stress induced birth but she's getting better with each day that passes. We haven't been allowed to visit yet because the doctors have been doing tests and making sure she's progressing the way she should. Rose has been worried so I've let her use her mom instincts to take care of my babies while she can't see hers.

"The doctors said that we can start visiting next week," she told me. "They told me that I should be able to breastfeed, but if not I can pump and give it to her from a bottle. And there are other ways to form bonds right?"

"Yes," I assured her. "Even something as simple as maintaining eye contact and holding their hand can help form bonds."

"Ok," she nodded. "Reese and Lor are asking for you. They keep asking where daddy is."

I thanked her for all her help and told her she could stop by anytime. She nodded and left with Emmett, who hugged me before following his wife to the car.

When I got inside, the girls ran to me immediately. I haven't seen them since the wedding a week ago. I became so entranced with finding Jasper that I would stay out late and leave early in the morning. We barely saw each other.

"I'm sorry kiddos," I cried. "Something happened to daddy and I've been trying to figure it out."

"What happened?" Reese asked. "Is he hurt? Where is he?"

"He was taken," I told them. "I don't know if he's hurt. I don't know where he is. That's what I've been trying to figure out. Your uncles Josh, Jake, Sam, and Danny are helping me right now. I wanted to see you so they're looking for daddy while I spend some time with you. I'm sorry I was gone all the time."

"It's okay mommy," they said in unison. "We forgive you."

{time skip ~ 2 weeks}

     The girls and I have been spending a lot of time together. Danny keeps me updated on everything that they find. They connected with other vampires and shapeshifters all over the country. With their help, we've been able to track Victoria to Maine. One of Carlisle's friends has been keeping tabs on her for us while we figure out a way to get there without leaving the girls defenseless.

     "They said there's a dark haired girl with them," Sam told me over the phone. "It's long, brown, and mostly straight but a little wavy. She has pale white skin and red eyes. She's roughly 5'4. You know who this sounds like don't you?"

     "I know exactly who it sounds like," I said, glaring at the wall. "I have to go Sam. Keep me updated."

     "Sir yes sir," he said before hanging up.

     So that's who took Jasper. I had a picture of her on my phone. I edited it to fit what she would look like as a vampire. I sent it to Carlisle's friend and he confirmed my suspicions.

     Bella Swan helped Victoria kidnap my fiancé.

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