A One-Sided Conversation

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Peter choked on a sob as he stood in front of Tony's grave, "Hey Mr. Stark...or dad now. Pepper officially adopted me today. Just wish you were here so I could call you dad." He wiped his eyes, "I hope you, Aunt Nat, and May are doing well. I miss you all...so much. His voice cracked. "I still think it was my fault. I should have been faster. I could have taken the gauntlet and snapped for you but I didn't. I'm sorry."

The irrational part of him waited for Tony to magically appear and tell him that it wasn't his fault but nothing happened. Peter just stood there and read the headstone over and over again. Anthony Edward Stark, Avenger, Friend, Mentor, Father.

All those words described the connection Peter had with him. Iron Man - His favorite Avenger. Tony - His friend. Mr. Stark - His mentor. Dad - His...dad. But no matter what Tony was in the moment to Peter, he could confide and trust all of them.

Peter leaned down and his fingers grazed the headstone before he began to sob again, "Please don't go, Mr. Stark, I don't want you to go, please." He choked out.

He knew Tony was already gone but it didn't matter. Grief somehow managed to erase all traces of logic.

Peter took out a bouquet of red tulips, "I uh- researched and found out that red tulips symbolize rebirth. I'm gonna sound like a jerk but...I hope you don't reincarnate...or whatever, at least until I get there and I can say hi." He wiped his dripping nose, "But I translated the meaning to life. I hope you are having an amazing time up there, partying or something. Or at least watching over us. Morgan is growing up so fast. She still remembers you and we have juice pops every Friday in your honor...I know I already said this but...I miss you, dad, you don't understand how much. I hope you can see how you saved the world and how you are a hero, not Iron Man, he didn't save the universe, Tony Stark did. I don't know if you can hear me but if you can just remember, Tony Stark saved the universe, not Iron Man, Tony Stark." He repeated.

His phone pinged and he glanced at it before turning back to the grave, "Happy is here...we're announcing that I'm gonna be the heir to Stark Industries once I turn 18, and then Morgan and I will be co-CEOs when she's of age." He waved weakly and made his way to a sleek, black limo parked down the hill.

Peter would see him again, he just had to believe it. 

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