Chapter 2

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      I was sitting in a meeting when I got an unexpected phone call. As my phone rang I silenced it and apologized. It rang again so I excused myself to take the call.
     " Hello, what do you need. Im in a meeting"
      " Hello Mr.Cowan, I'm so sorry to bother you but I have a male omega here who is being chased and needs a space to hide out"

     She said it all almost in one breath so I decided to take pity on the omega.
      " Alright then send him to the pent house but the door is locked I'll go up shortly to talk to him but if you get a chance before I do you check on him"
      " Yes sir thank you Mr. Cowan"
      " You're welcome I'm going back to my meeting"
      " Yes sir"

      Returning to my meeting I apologized again and hoped I could get this meeting back on track.
      The meeting only lasted about another half hour and it was time to take my lunch hour. I lived in the top floor pent house so that's where I headed for lunch.
      Stepping off the elevator I peered down the hallway to find the male omega my receptionist had told me about. Walking toward him I could see him laying on the floor sleeping. I crouched down next to him to look him over and see what I was dealing with.
      This omega couldn't have been anymore than 120 pounds and 5'6" tall. He laid there with dark brown almost black hair across his face. He seemed to have a shaggy looking cut. I tapped him on the shoulder to try to wake him up with no response. So scooping him up I took him into the penthouse and laid him on the couch.
      As I tried to walk away I could see him starting to cry in his sleep almost from a bad dream so I pulled a blanket off the chair to drape over him.
      Heading into the kitchen I made a sandwich and grabbed a bag of chips as I sat down at the table. Spying over my food I watched this small omega rollover and go still again on the couch with small rises and falls of his breathing.
      A phone started ringing but it wasn't mine so I left my food on the table as I pulled his out of his pocket with the name Cheryl popping up on the screen. I answered just in case.
     " Christian where are you, I have been worried about you. Your shift started at 1 o'clock you normally are on time, so I would like an explanation"
     " So his name is Christian?"
     " Who is this?"
     " This is Samuel Cowan and I believe that the Christian you're looking for is asleep on my couch"
      " Oh dear, is he alright?"
      "He seems to be but I believe his heat is near he seems to be releasing more pheromones than what seems to be normal "
      " Oh well then I'll put him down for a heat leave then thank you very much Mr.Cowan"
      " You're welcome I'll have him call you when he wakes up"
      " Thank you again bye bye now"
      " Good bye ma'am"
      Before going back to my food I could see him starting to shiver almost as if he was cold so I put another blanket on him. I returned to my food and shortly after I saw him sit up and look around in a sleepy daze.

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