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The fears we don't face become our limits – Robin Sharma

"It went well then?" Stephen asked. His hand knocked the brim of his hat as he wiped the sweat from his brow. The brown hair beneath the hat was wet and damp, evidence of the summer heat. Though it was only early June, it seemed like it was going to be an exceptionally hot season if the past week of high temperatures was any indication.

"Yeah, it went okay," Travis replied as he leaned against the pitchfork. Next to him was a wheelbarrow half-filled with soiled hay and manure. The horses had all been turned out into the paddock for the day leaving the barn quiet except for the stream of chatter he and Stephen had kept up.

"Third place in Austin and then second in Amarillo...You've had two good back-to-back showings. You must have racked up a few points and had a pretty nice payday. When's your next event?"

Travis tried to remember all of the dates he'd inputted into his calendar. "Well, I've got the Classic here in two weeks but my next out-of-town event is at the start of July, I think. I'll follow the circuit for a while and hit a few rodeos before coming back home for all of August. I'm starting in Montana out in Dillon. Gotta make sure I don't get banged up and ruin Jake's wedding photos."

"Just broncs?"

"For now. Remember Sam Kline? He and I were chatting about maybe entering in a few roping events together once we meet up on the circuit but we haven't signed up for anything yet."

He kept his voice even as if he weren't discussing anyone or anything of note. His heart sped up a fraction but he'd long since learned how to school his expression into calm nothingness, especially when it came to discussing things that nobody else knew about, like Sam.

They hadn't made any promises to each other, nothing beyond the assurance that when they met up in Dillon, they'd somehow find their way to each other's rooms. Would pick up the late-night conversation from where they'd last left it in Sam's bed. Staring up at the ceiling in the hotel room where the shadows were only dispersed by the glow of the moon slipping through the cracks in the blinds.

Stephen's eyes tightened a fraction and Travis felt a twinge of guilt, though not for lying. No, it was for the loss that shone in his friend's eyes at the reminder that his roping days were over. Travis missed the days as well, especially since he and Stephen used to rope together constantly. Those times were long past now since Stephen's retirement but the time didn't make the memories any less bittersweet.

Still, Stephen tried to show his support as he began to get back to work. He shoved his pitchfork into a patch of soiled hay and began to scoop it out into the wheelbarrow. "Sounds like it'll be a good run on the circuit for you."

"I hope so." Travis returned to the stall he was mucking and tried to bring the conversation back to easier topics. "I hear Caroline's coming back tonight? You must be excited to see her."

"It'll be nice to have her home," Stephen agreed but Travis got the sense that Stephen was toning down the excitement. His eyes were alight with it.

For just a moment, Travis felt a flash of irritation. Stephen knew exactly who he was and what he was looking for in a partner. Caroline was a perfect match for him in many ways and they both seemed perfectly contented with each other. Travis was often jealous of that assuredness. Though he cared for Ginger, he couldn't lie to himself and say that he felt as if their relationship was as easy as he witnessed between others.

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