Chapter Three: Whatever Weirdo

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Lucy's P.O.V

It was warm and cozy in my bed. It had been a while since I wasn't freezing. I wondered if they had fixed the issue with the air conditioner. Without opening my eyes, I enjoyed the warmth. Then drifted back to sleep.

Natsu's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes a couple times and yawned. Sunlight filtered into my room and washed across my face.


This isn't my room....I looked around, puzzled and realized I was still in Lucy's bed. I tried to bring my arm up to my head but it was stuck. I looked down and the sight made my face heat up. Lucy was snuggled up close to my chest, still asleep, her head was resting on my arm and her hands were curled up into her chest with the faintest trace of a smile on her lips. My other arm was draped over her small waist, unintentionally pulling her in tight. I noticed that her long legs were tangled up with mine and I could feel a stupid grin come across my face as I continued to stare at her.

I didn't want to move. I really, really, really didn't want to move. I liked how we were at this moment. Right now.

Why though? I don't like her like tha- or do I?

But then I felt her move and mumble something. I'm pretty sure I jumped ten feet in the air! I struggled to my feet and went flying onto the couch where slowly, I looked over the edge and saw her sitting up slowly, wiping her big brown eyes lazily. My heart started beating like crazy again.

"Alright Natsu ready to-" she stopped. "Why is your face so red? Are you feeling ok?" I could feel my face getting a shade of red that Erza's hair would envy.

"U-uh." I quickly cleared my throat. "N-no I'm perfectly fine." I smiled and stood up. She grinned and nodded.

"Ok." She hesitated. "I'll just get changed real quick." Lucy grabbed a blue skirt and her blue and white top, then walked into the bathroom. I couldn't help but notice the way her hips swayed slightly as she walked and the tiny pitter patter her feet made on the hardwood floor.

"You liiiiike her." Happy's voice made me jump. He was looking at me while sitting on the window ledge, with a cheeky little grin of his face.

"I do not! She's just a friend." I spat defensively, crossing my arms.

Was she? Wait. Shut up!

"Ok let's get going." Lucy walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her keys, and whip that lay on the top of her dresser, right beside her book in progress, and hooked them to her belt. She quickly swung a small backpack over her shoulder. With a huge smile of my face I grabbed my bag and ran to the door.

After our small group left Lucy's apartment we walked in silent for a bit while I thought to myself. I had only ever had a crush on Lisanna, but that was a playful kind of thing, and we were kids anyway, we are both over it. I didn't like Lucy that way...did I? I wasn't sure. This isn't the first time I felt my heart race when Lucy was around, but it was never this bad. Suddenly Lucy turned around breaking my train of thought as she crossed her arms.

"Are you sure you're ok? You haven't been talking this whole time, which is weird." She mumbled that last part under her breath.

"Whatever weirdo." I say, rolling my eyes and waving my hand dismissively. She walks up to me and puts the back of her hand on my forehead to see if I'm warm, well, warmer than usual. Then she shrugs and starts walking beside me.

"I think a town is coming up, we could stop and eat something." She says, right as she does my stomach growls, making her giggle.

"I'm definitely up for that." I grin.

"Aye!" Cheers Happy from the sky.

After another 15 minutes of walking we finally arrive in a small town and go to a small family owned restaurant. Me and Happy ordered enough to fill up half the table, while Lucy just got a salad, a burger and a muffin. We all ate together and talked and laughed. I ended up having to shove food in Happy's mouth about 8 times because he kept trying to say that I 'like her' I do, but is it in that way?

"Lucy!" Happy says flying over to sit by her. Out of reach of my quieting technique. "Do you liiiike Natsu?" He asks with a huge smile plastered to his face, looking way to pleased with his small victory.

Happy! Why?! I almost shout. Oh god, what would I do if she doesn't. Wait. What would I do if she does!? Natsu stop. You are overreacting.

She grins and leans over the table to ruffle my hair. "Of course I like him!" Happy starts jumping up and down, and my eyes widen. "Why wouldn't I? He's my best friend!" She takes a bite of her muffin and smiles, kind of looking like a chipmunk. I'm not sure if I'm glad or upset. I do know though, that when she said 'best friend', I felt a little disappointed.

Lucy's P.O.V

At first I was a little shocked by Happy's question, but I understood it eventually, he said 'like' a little weird for just asking if I'm friends with someone. For some reason though, when I called Natsu my best friend, I couldn't help but cringe. He was just a friend...right? I watch as he flashes me a big smile, turning my cheeks a light shade of pink, nods and goes back to scarfing down his food. I can't help but smile at him, you would think he hadn't eaten for a week. He looks up at me, food almost covering his whole face and I burst out laughing. He's so childish, but that what I love... uh, like, about him.

They finally finish their mountain of food and I have to pay the bill as usual. I see the cashier giggle and shake her head as Natsu and Happy rush out the restaurant, hollering about being 'all fired up'. I let out a small chuckle and smile, we must look like quite the group, with the piles of plates stacked up on our table, not to mention the talking blue cat. I get lost in small talk with the woman at the cash register until Natsu runs back in and grabs my hand.

"Come on! We still got a ways to go." He gives me his signature smile and I get pulled out with an apologetic wave to the young woman at the till, who makes a heart shape with her hands as he drags me along. It's only a few minutes later when a man on the street calls out to me.

"Excuse me miss." A rugged looking man runs up to me, me has a map in his hands and looks very confused. "Could help me find a hotel, I'm a little lost." He grins, rubbing the back of his neck. I smile.

"Sure thing!" I open the map a little wider and point him the right way. He puts an arm around my shoulder and nods every once in a while. I glance up and see that Natsu is fuming for some reason. Why is he so mad all of a sudden?


That lady at the till knows what's up. Heh heh heh. Moving past that creepy laugh, feel free to give me some feedback with a comment, and why not vote while you're at it! I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters 😉

-SailorOfTheNaluShip (Bella)

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