Chapter Fourteen: And Closer

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Lucy's P.O.V

Of coarse it had to rain.

"I really like you Luce, I just want you to be happy."

"O-oh. Thank you Natsu." I smiled shyly, unsure of what to say, so I just stared at the ground, trying to keep the blush on my cheeks to a minimum.

"You know...I think I like you as-"

A flash of lighting followed by the harsh clap of thunder cut him off.

After that was the immediate downpour. It had been raining all day and Natsu and I somehow managed to find shelter in some cave before the rain got too bad. I really wish I had Horologium's key, I wouldn't have gotten as soaked as I am now. As of now I wouldn't be surprised if the place flooded because of the amount of rain! It was surprisingly spacious, talk enough to stand it with quite a lot of room to walk around. The walls of the cave were a dull grey cluttered with cracks and small greenery sprouted from them.

I glanced at my partner, he was deep in thought, leaning against the cave wall. Wet pink hair clung to his forehead and his brows were furrowed. I bit my lip. He looked, to put it bluntly, hot. Very hot.

It was strange thinking that, considering he was my best friend. Just best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.....I think.

You liiiiiike him

Happy's teasing voice sounded in my head. However annoying the little fella could be, I missed him a bunch. I'll be sure to cook some fish for him when I get back, but was that cat right? Did I 'liiiike' Natsu? Nows not really the time to be thinking about this....I should just push whatever feelings I have away for the time being.

My mind wandered back to what he was saying before.

"You know, I think I like you as-"

I taped my finger against my chin as I thought. What was he about to say? Oh well, it was probably nothing important, I'm just over-reacting. It's probably no big deal.

Natsu's P.O.V

This is a huge deal.

I was about to tell Lucy how I feel. Now we are rained in and the thunder interrupted me. Lucy, being Lucy, didn't want to get wet so we had to run right away. Luckily I found this place.

I stared at her as she sat right in front of the caves entrance, staring out at the pouring rain. She turned to face me, then waved, calling me over. I sighed. I'm not going to be able to hold in this confession for long.....

"It's surprising beautiful." She smiled, a water droplet falling off her hair and dripping down the side of her face.

Ignore it Natsu ignore it.

"Yea I guess." I mean you could hardly see three feet out of the entrance because of how thick the downpour was.

"It's just such a powerful image you know?" She sighs contently. I have to agree, it does look very powerful. The strong wind is blowing the trees to a harsh right, causing the sheet of rain to fall diagonally too. Along with the almost black clouds that covered the sky with the faint bright flash of lighting, it was, like she said, beautiful.


"It's not like beautiful like a rose, or something. It's majestic, and wild, and free." She brings her knees up to her chest and places her chin on them. I like hearing her talk. She is soothing, I can hear the passion in her voice as she speaks too. "But you know, I hope the clouds don't block the sky when night comes, I want to see the stars."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be gone by then." I said with a grin that she returns. "You can keep talking."

"Really? I thought I'd be boring you."

"Nope." I lay down as I watch as she smiles slightly. "I like your voice."

"U-uh..t-thank you. I guess I can keep talking." She said quietly, blushing a bit.

I nodded. Hearing her voice was comforting, it meant she was safe, and by my side. I watched her lips move and her eyes seemed to sparkle perfectly. The brown orbs full of thought, inspiration and passion. She was mesmerizing. I slowly blinked.

How was I going to tell her how I feel. I was in love with her and the damn storm had to interrupt me. How was I going to be able to get the courage to tell her again?

I sigh and she turns to look at me.

"Bored?" I shrug at her question. I guess that would work. She smiles brightly and stands up. "Come on! The wind has calmed down a little." With a smile she takes my hand and drags me out if the cave. "We can dance in the rain!" She chuckles and spins in a circle.

I watch as she hops around to her own beat, wet blond hair swinging around her head and sticking to her face.

God do I ever love her.

I run towards her and sweep her up in my arms. Making her shriek and burst into a fit of giggles. "Natsu!" The rain soaked us even more as we twirled around and moved to a beat inside our heads. Eventually we came to a stop, absolutely drenched from head to toe, staring into each others eyes. She was wrapped in my arms tightly and pulled flush against my chest.

I could do it.

I could totally kiss her right now.

Drops of water trailed down her face, catching on her long lashes and dripping off her chin. She was out of breath, her lips slightly parted.

She was just



I somehow managed to swallow the lump in my throat. She was so close to me. I could finally kiss her. I bit my lip as she broke the eye contact with red cheeks. "Not so close." She mumbled, almost inaudible.

"U-um sorry."

She mumbled something else. "It's not like you had to move though...."

My face flared up and before I knew it she was in my arms again, and I was leaning closer, and closer.

And closer.


Hello cliffhanger! I know I know you hate me. 😉 next time....maybe. Vote, comment and stuffs. Ok yea bye!

-SailorOfTheNaluShip (Bella😍)

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