Chapter Eight: Stupid Island

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Erza's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes, the sunlight burned. I tried to sit up, but that just turned into a violent coughing fit. I saw that Wendy was sitting next to me.

"You're up!" She gasped. She must have been healing me before because she continued doing whatever she was doing. "I sent Carla to go get someone by the way." She nodded over and over. I felt a lot better after a bit and she helped me sit up. She explained that she found me laying on the grass, covered in dirt. Natsu was no where to be seen and neither was the man in black. I growled.

"I've failed." Wendy shook her head.

"No. No you didn't."

I stood up and stared at the last place I say him standing. "I only got one hit on him." I spat bitterly.

"Come on. Let's keep looking." She said, letting me lean on her shoulder. Suddenly Loke appeared in front of us. He dropped to the ground immediately.

"Loke?!" I ran up to him and helped him up. "Why are you here? How are you here?" He coughed.

"The other spirits lent me some magic to tell you." He tried to sit up. "I won't last long, but I have to say you won't find her." I gasp.

"No Loke, we will." He shook his head.

"No. She is in a different realm." It was like a punch to the gut. It was literally impossible to get to her.

"Then how-" he interrupted me.

He started to fade away. "Natsu got taken to her. She will stay alive. I'm sure of it." He nodded. Though, it sounded like he was assuring himself more than anyone. Then he faded away. Wendy shook next to me.

"We will tell them." I nodded, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "All we can do is wait, and trust Natsu to bring her back."

Lucy's P.O.V

I'm dying. I know it. I've accepted it. Even in my hazy state of mind I can still feel pain. I just wish I could say one last good bye. To the guild. To Natsu.

Natsu's P.O.V

The man drops me to the ground with a thump, then disappears immediately. There is soft sand below my face and the sound of waves crashing on a beach fills my ears.

That bastard left me at the beach? No matter. He said I would find Lucy, and I will.

I stand up slowly, feeling a lot better than before. Then I realize I'm on a beach, but this beach happens to be on an island. With a slow turn behind me I see a small forest, lush green jungle trees reaching high into the sky, vines drop from almost everywhere. Thick green grass coats the ground and large grey boulders are scattered around. It looked like it could be a scene from a movie. While I'm scanning my surroundings I notice a trail of deep red.


Lucy's blood.

I shudder and follow the speckles of dried blood, walking past handprints that are dragging downward. This is a lot of blood. I furrow my eye brows. Please be alive Luce. I raise my nose and sniff, trying to catch Lucy's scent. I break into a run when I finally catch a whiff of her. The trail of blood stopped a while back, but I keep going.

Suddenly I stop in my tracks. My breath catches in my throat. There, slumped against one of the boulders, is Lucy. Her eyes are cast downward, closed. I can hear her breathing. It's rough and uneven. Her pale skin is still littered with the gashes from her battle, her skin and tangled blond hair are caked in her own dried blood. Her arms dangle besides her and her legs seem useless laying in front of her. Her shoulders are hunched, causing her head to face the ground.

Oh god.

I couldn't protect her.

I don't know what to do. I'm not sure what I expected to see but it wasn't this. It was t this at all. Hot tears spring up in my eyes as I stare at her in shock. To my surprise fresh tears start to follow the tracks old ones set. She's alive!

She is alive! Without a second thought I run to her. Lucy is alive and I can see her in front of my eyes. I reach and scoop her in my arms. She flinches, and let's out a strangled scream.

She thinks I'm going to hurt her.

"Lucy it's me, it's Natsu." I repeat that sentence over and over again like a prayer. "Everything will be okay, I'm here now. I won't hurt you." She tenses, then relaxes and melts into my arms, sobbing. I don't think she can say anything but she nods her head over and over again. "I'll find you some water." I whisper. Suddenly her eyes shoot open.

"Please don't leave me." She whispers. My heart breaks at how absolutely terrified she looks.

"Ok. I'll stay with you." She nods. We lean against the boulder for I'm not sure how long. As much as she wants me to stay I have to get her food, or water or something. She is dying. She is in pain, as much as she tries to hide it I know. I don't want Lucy to be in pain. I want her to be happy and healthy.

And with me.

I want Lucy to be with me. Do I? In that way? My head is whirling with confusion and worry as I gently set her down and head off in search of nearby water. I lean down close to her. "I'll be right back Lucy." Then I walk into the forest.

If I can't find any I'm sure I can boil the sea water. I smirk and try to light a small spark on the tip of my fingers.


What the hell?

I try again. And again. Seriously? This is NOT something I was prepared for. Fourth times the charm? Nope. Where is my fire?! I growl and stomp through the forest.

"Stupid island. Stupid trees. Stupid magic. Stupid-" The smell of fresh water, and a trickling sound reaches my nose and my ears, breaking me out of my complaining state.

I'll figure this out later. Lucy first. I think as I run towards the sound, sniffing the air. "Ah ha!" I shout as I come across a small waterfall.

Wait. Did I really not grab anything to hold it with?

"Hmp." I scowl at the water. Maybe there is something around here that I can carry some with. I might have to bring Lucy here if it comes to that. After about 5 minutes of searching around I get impatient and give up, I can just bring Luce here. With a smile plastered to my face I make my way to my girl.

Wait....did I just think 'my girl' ?!?!


I love em 💖 My little shipper heart is just singing! Natsu you go to "your girl"! Heh heh heh Anyway...Nothing I Own (Yoda-yea I'm cool) and forget not, to comment and vote 😉 See you next chapter you amaaaazing person you. (Also I didn't proof read this so my apologies for the screw ups that are most likely there)

-SailorOfTheNaluShip (Bella)

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