40. Exhausted

454 8 3

Short and sweet, sorry! Enjoy!

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I shut the door behind me as I stepped into Peter's apartment, immediately locking it and then throwing my stuff onto the floor. A couple notebooks slid out from my bag but I left them there, too tired to get down and put them away. As I passed them, I moved them to sit beside my bag with a couple of kicks.

"(Y/n), is that you?" Peter slipped into the apartment without a single ounce of grace. He stumbled as he stood back up to his full height.

"Yeah." I shuffled over to him and waited as he pulled his mask off, shaking out his hair and sending sweat flying. "Gross."

"Sorry," he sighed, letting the mask drop onto the ground. He stretched and then watched me for a moment. "You look exhausted. Bad day?"

I nodded. "Yours?"

He nodded back and we sighed together. Without any words, we made our way to the couch and fell onto it. I wrapped around him and we sunk into a comfortable position. There had been many of these nights lately; exhaustion just seemed to be apart of our daily lives now.

I never got any sleep with my roommate up late, blasting music or talking on the phone through the night. You would have thought that common courtesy would tell them that's not the thing to do with a roommate, but here we are.

Peter, the poor guy, had to double up his patrols lately. A new low-rate villain has popped up and decided to cause problems around the city. No matter how many times he gets caught and taken to jail, he's back out within the next day and breaking into stores or cars. He's a menace, really.

"I think I'm going to have to take a break from all of this," Peter said, his voice muffled beneath my head. "This guy just won't stop. He's not even good at it, (Y/n). It's saddening."

"I think a break would be the best idea, Peter." I shifted around to give him some air. I didn't want to suffocate the man.

"It's not like the police really need my help with him, I guess." He glanced at me quickly. "Do you have classes tomorrow?"

I shook my head. "I'm all free tomorrow, thank goodness. I was about to drop out today."

"It's decided," he said, holding me tighter. "We are sleeping in and spending the day together. No bad guys, no college.. just me and you."

   "That sounds really nice, Pete. It feels like we just haven't had any time to just rest. I've really needed this."

   "Me, too. We could order in something to eat and watch a few movies. Like a date night, you know?"

   I smiled a little, as much as I really could. A yawn forced it's way out and a few tears fell out of my eyes.

   "Don't go yawning, (Y/n). You'll get me yawning along with you and- wait," he let out a long yawn, squeezing his eyes shut as he stretched with it.

   "I think it's time we both get some sleep." I brushed a few hairs away from his face. "You can't hardly keep your eyes open."

  "Maybe you're right." Peter let his eyes close and I could feel him relax. "I'll see you in the morning."

   "Someday you won't fall asleep in that suit." He let out a small laugh and my smile came back.

   I put my head down and shut my eyes, trying to will my brain to sleep. Peter's chest rose and up down rhythmically, and I could feel myself beginning to dose off. Sleep soon took over and I dreamed of how relaxing tomorrow would be.

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