12. Library Kisses

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Hey guys! Ignore the title, I'm terrible at naming these!! Also! Tad bit of language in this one (it's just two words, lol)

It was a slow morning at Midtown High with most students and teachers out for some trip. There weren't many people left in my class, but Peter Parker was. And that's all I cared about.

"So, where is everyone?" Peter moved and sat down in the seat next to mine, his bag dropping to the floor with a thud. "I didn't hear anything about a trip. At least, I don't think I did."

"They announced it a few weeks ago." I faced him and tried to keep my nerves down. "I think you were gone that day. One of your teachers should have given you a permission slip to go when you came back."

Peter sighed and sank down in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "Damn, that really sucks. I wish I could have gone. Ned's sick though, so, I guess, at least I'm not on a trip alone. Why didn't you go?"

"Oh, I just didn't get my parents to sign the slip in time. But, I mean, it's not too bad being here." Peter looked over at me, brows raised in surprise. "I have a feeling we won't be doing anything in our classes today since everyone is out."

"I hope so," he sighed out, sounding exhausted. "I've needed a break from school for so long."

"Me, too, Pete." Pete? Are we close enough for that? Probably not. "Um, we should like skip, or something, you know."

"I don't know, I've never really ditched class before."

"Uh, what? Peter, you are constantly missing class like, all the time." He rolled his eyes, which were a cute, dark brown. "Don't roll your eyes at me! You know I'm right!"

"I have, you know.. reasons." I felt my nose wrinkle up as I leaned away. "Not like bad reasons! Like, just.. reasons."

"Alright. Well, here's a reason right now. We can go and hang out in the library."

"Isn't it closed today?" I pulled out a lanyard with some keys attached. "No way. You have keys to the library?"

I grinned and twirled the lanyard around. "I'm the librarians' favorite assistant, so, of course I do. I'm allowed to go in when I need to work."

"We would be doing work?"

I paused, midway between getting up and grabbing my bag. "Well, I- what else would we do?" Peter's face flushed red, and I cleared my throat. "Do you want to come with? It'll get you out of sitting in here for the whole day with a sub who fell asleep."

"Yeah. Yeah, sure. That would be really cool." He stood up and grabbed his bag, slinging it over one shoulder. "Thanks for letting me come with."

"Anytime, Pete." Again with the Pete.. I need to stop that.

We left the room quietly, making our way towards the library. We walked near each other, his hand dangerously close to mine. I contemplated the thought of grabbing it, but realized that would be incredibly awkward and weird. When his hand did accidentally brush mine, butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Here we are," I announced, unlocking the doors. "Since there's enough sunlight in here, I'm not going to bother with the actual lights - if that's alright?"

"Yeah, no, that's fine. I like the natural light anyway, it makes the room look nicer."

I threw my stuff onto a table and collapsed into the cushioned chair behind me. Peter pulled up one next to me and dropped his bag onto the table as well.

"So," he said, clapping his hands together awkwardly. "What do we do?"

My eyebrow quirked up and I leaned back in my seat. "What do you mean? I didn't really like, plan to do anything. Probably just play on my phone or read a book."

"Oh, yeah. Sounds good." Peter pulled a book out of his bag and opened it up to a random page. He started reading, but it was pretty easy to tell that he wasn't focused.

"Peter? Are you alright? Did you need to talk about something?"

"What do you mean?" He set his book down on his leg, not bothering to even mark the page. "I'm fine."

"It just feels like there's something you need to say, you know, or do. You're acting a little strange."

He looked down at his book, fiddling with the pages. "It's nothing."

"Doesn't sound like nothing."

He sighed and let his head fall back, looking like he was about to break his neck. He faced forward once more and looked me dead in they eyes. "Can I kiss you?"


"I'm sorry, that was way too forward. I just, I really like you and when you invited me to hang out here with you.. well, I don't know what I was thinking."

"Oh. Uh. Don't get me wrong, I have literally waited for this moment." Peter's eyes brightened and I smiled. "I'm just a little caught off guard."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," he apologized sheepishly. "I just came off too strong. Could I, uh, start over? Maybe?"

I nodded, not quite sure I could speak. He took my left hand timidly and held it in his. My breath caught in my throat as he looked up at me with those brown eyes.

"__, I really like you. We've known each other as classmates for a while, but we're not really close. I would really like to change that, if that's okay with you?" I nodded again. "Okay, that's good. That's really good. Um, shit, can I kiss you?"

"Yeah- yeah, that would be really-"

Peter rushed forward, kissing me deeply. He still held my hand and used it to pull me towards him. I untangled it from his and rested my hand on the back of his neck. His hands went to my face, warm palms resting against my burning cheeks.

"This is very nice," Peter drawled, pulling away with a dazed smile. "I really, really like you, __."

"I like you, too, Pete."

"I like when you call me that. Usually I hate it, but it's cute when you say it. I get all happy and warm inside."

You groaned and rested your head on is shoulder. "You're so cute, it physically hurts."

His shoulders shook as he laughed. "I'm sorry! I'll try to be less cute- don't want to hurt you."

"Oh, no no no no, sir. Stay as you are, Parker. You're amazing."

"Oh, um, thank you." With him obviously caught off guard, I took the moment to kiss him again.

He sighed into the kiss and I could feel every nerve in my body turn to liquid. My fingers were tangled in his hair, playing with the little curls. His hands moved to rest on my back, pulling me even closer to where I was falling off of my chair.

"Pete," he pulled me into another kiss and I moved back. "I'm going to fall out of my chair. And, as nice as this is, it's almost lunch and I'm starving. We can get lunch and then, you know, go from there. Yeah?"

"Fine." That dreamy smile from earlier drifted back across his face. "But only because I literally cannot say no to you right now."

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