33. Bad Intentions

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   Hello, my loves! Quick reminder that I love love love your comments! They crack me up and make my day, so don't be shy! I always respond, too!
Also! (Y/n) and MJ have a sort of tolerated friendship going on in this story, which is always fun to write! Please ignore how many jump cuts there are 😅 Enjoy!

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Living with your best friend is definitely more chaotic than you would think. Especially if they have a part of their life that keeps them out all night and is a secret.

Peter was always a weird kid in high school, sneaking off everywhere and coming back with bruises and cuts. I thought he was just embarrassed about getting beat up after class. But, it never stopped after we graduated.

He has to be in some sort of illegal fight club that's being held underneath the city. Or, something like that. No one just randomly disappears all night like he does! Which is why I've decided to drag Michelle along to investigate with me. She doesn't add much other than insults and vaguely disguised threats, but I'll take the company.

Peter always leaves around ten at night and comes back at about four in the morning. This is perfect because that's generally when I'm wide awake and actually productive. Of course, following him around for six hours doesn't really sound exciting so I'll need to make sure we're stocked up on coffee and puzzles.

I am going to find out Peter's secret tonight.

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   I was lying across the couch with a blanket thrown over the end of my legs and my eyes closed like I was sleeping. I heard Peter tiptoe into the room, his footsteps barely making a sound. They stopped when he got close to me and I tried to breathe out as normally as possible.

The blanket was suddenly thrown over me and I felt his hand resting on my knee for a moment before his footsteps disappeared and our front door opened and closed. I can't believe he really bought that!

"Michelle, you can come out now."

I threw off the blanket and stood up as she clambered out of the small linen closet. A coat was wrapped around her ankle and she kicked at it until she was able to the shut the door.

"Maybe, if we ever do this again, I can hide in something that isn't tiny and filled with jackets and towels. I think my legs are starting to cramp up."

"You'll be fine," I said with a wave of my hand. "Once we start moving you'll feel better, I'm sure."

Michelle just rolled her eyes and zipped up the dark hoodie she was wearing. I grabbed my sweatshirt from the floor and slipped it on. I had only worn it for an hour yesterday.

"Can you tell me what the plan is? I really don't want to just be stalking Peter the entire night. If he sees us, there's no coming back from that."

"We aren't going to be stalking him, Michelle. We're just- observing from afar. You know?"

"No, I don't," she drawled. We both knew this to be sarcastic, of course. Michelle always seemed to be.. around and watching. Which is precisely why I invited her to accompany me.

"I would say we're ready to go." I double checked my pockets to make sure I had my phone and apartment keys. Imagine getting locked out of your apartment. That definitely hasn't happened to me before.

Michelle lead the way out of the apartment and didn't wait as I locked up behind us. I found her at the stairwell with a blank look in her eyes, like she was already bored. She turned and made her way down the stairs quickly for someone who looked like they didn't want to be participating.

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