My X Dear X Criminal

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Killua's POV:

~Timeskip: the next day~

Alright Killua, no worries! It's all right! Just do everything as you did yesterday, it will be just fine! You! Can! Do it!

Wait, where is she?

What if she decided to skip classes? Oh no, Gon is already Gon! I wouldn't make it either! Is she late? She's sleeping maybe? WHAT IF SHE'S HURT?? What if she's sick from yesterday? Oh no, that's all my fault-

"Good morning Killua!"


"Killua?" I turn around to see [Y/N], just staring at me "Did I scare you?"

"Well yeah you did! I was staring to get worried!" Killua shut up shut up dumb dumb oh my god why are you like that.

"You worry too much! I just wanted to scare you a little bit!" She said, holding her laughter back.

"No I don't! A-anyways, let's just go to class."

"Mhm, of course! We should wait for Gon though-"

"No worries, he said he had to do something first, so he left me here."

"Oh, I see! What's the first class again?"


"Oh, right!" She starts walking, and so do I. "Let's just hope we don't bump into some pick me girls!" She says it like that's normal. I mean- it might be, I'm just way more used to phedos that like my best friend, not pick me girls that like me.

"Yeah, they are such a pain... how did you manage to live with them?"

"There's the thing," [Y/N] points finger guns at me, "I almost didn't!"


"Like four times!" She says that with a wink.

"W-what do you mean you almost didn't four times??"

After going up some stairs, we get to see a crowd.

"It wasn't that crowded yesterday."

"Because it was just the time to go to the other classes. Before classes start, there's always this fuss over the group of pretty girls."

"Oh, I see."

"Feel like screaming 'simps' to annoy them?"


"Alright, in the 3!"


"You sure the door is well closed?" I asked her, sitting on a table on the empty room

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"You sure the door is well closed?" I asked her, sitting on a table on the empty room.

"Of course I'm sure! They won't find us!"

This one fanfiction that I'll never finish. [Killua x fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now