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Day 1; Somewhere between Los Angeles and Las Vegas


Luke's ominous statement had Olivia thinking for hours. It confused her to no end; how can he be going somewhere but not know where he's going? She wondered if being all mysterious was a rockstar thing. She had never met anyone who had infuriated her so much, but she just didn't have the heart to rip off the bandage and kick him out of her car.

She may be angry but she isn't mean. And leaving someone stranded in the middle of Mojave desert could be considered mean.

Not being able to take the awkward silence filling her car anymore, she turned on her stereo. It was connected to her phone so whatever she was listening to when she last turned it off ended up blasting through the car. And with her luck, it happened to be the theme song to Austin and Ally.

In a haste, she switched the song and tried to cover up her red face. But Luke still noticed and sent a somewhat judgemental glance her way.

"What?" She grumbled. "It's a catchy song." He just scoffed and shook his head.

Olivia continued to flip through the songs she had until she found one she liked. She put her phone down and started to tap her fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the song. "They left us alone, the kids in the dark, to burn out forever, or light up a spark." She sang along.

Luke didn't say anything about her song choice, he actually seemed to be humming along to it. It was just when Olivia started to gain confidence and sang louder that Luke's little chuckle broke her out of her trance.

"What?" She said, smiling a little.

"You're way out of key, you know." He remarks, smirking smugly.

The smile she had on her face completely disappeared as she rolled her eyes. "You're such a dick, you know that?" Olivia snapped. "Are you even capable of being tolerable for longer than a minute?" She wasn't expecting an answer, but Luke still gave one.

"You can ask all the other girls I've been with about that. Although, they usually have something different to say about my di-"

"Thats it. I'm done." Olivia pulled over to the side of the road and looked to him. "I've had enough with you. I thought maybe the stupid 'I'm so much better than you' act was just a front and that you'd drop it once I've talked to you a little bit more, but it's been four hours and you're still a douche."

Luke rolled his eyes. "So what, you're just going to leave me here? You wouldn't do that."

"You're right, I wouldn't." She started her car back up and pulled onto the highway again. "That's why I'm taking you to the nearest bus station and let you get to wherever the fuck you want to go by yourself."

She didn't care who he was; she deserved to be spoken to with more respect.

Any trace of guilt she had about this was long gone. She had tried to do something nice - the thought was there - but it wasn't her fault that her nice deed went unappreciated to the rude hitchhiker she picked up.

Here she thought it would be fun to share her adventure with someone. Looks like she'll have to continue the adventure alone.

"I'm uh, I'm sorry." Luke choked out. It almost sounded like he had never done that before. It wouldn't surprise her.

Olivia just scoffed in response and stayed silent. In fact, the rest of the drive was silent, save for the soft music playing in the background. She didn't dare sing along again, mainly because she was too upset, and partly because, as much as she hated to admit, Luke's words had gotten to her. She didn't want to make a fool of herself anymore than she already had in her life.

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