Souzousha Interferes

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Souzousha had been watching the goings-on of the maidens and sent Akiko for Kirin. Upon Kirin's arrival, Souzousha told her Jem had been taken to detour the maidens from collecting the stones. She also gloated about how it was Fir Darrig who had taken steps to keep the maidens on their quest.

"I want you to keep the child safe, I know you have much to do, but the child cannot be a casualty of this war, I will not allow it."

Kirin also didn't want to see the child hurt she had even placed the mark of the unicorn upon her ankle she promised to protect her. She would not only do what she needed to help the maidens, but she would also protect Jem.

"I'll make sure that no harm comes to her."

Then she was gone.

Souzousha started to pace,

"I cannot let this go. How dare he take an innocent child to advance his position?"

Akiko shook his head,

"I'm surprised he hasn't done worse than just take her, look what happened the last time he didn't get the one he loved."

Souzousha stopped pacing.

"I am going to talk to him after all he's my responsibility."

Akiko stopped her before she took off.

"I'll go with you."

The two of them appeared in Leander's palace. Leander was not paying attention. He was looking out over the palace waiting for the maiden to come. So, when Souzousha called out to him, it caught him off guard.


She snapped.

"What in Tenjou were are you thinking when you took that child?"

He turned surprised to see her and Akiko in his mature form.

"I haven't done anything to the child, and as long as the maiden comes to me, I won't."

Souzousha was amazed at his disrespect.

"Do not take that tone with me, or I will do something we will both regret."

He got angry she could tell, after all, she had created him she knew him only second to Kirin.

"The only thing I regret is you called, the maidens before I was able to conquer the world of Lantea."

She held her temper well, but not well enough.

"Return the child I will not negotiate this matter."

Leander laughed,

"The only thing you can do is have the maiden's call forth Vala nothing more that was your fail-safe so you wouldn't have to act, you always let others do your bidding."

Akiko was about to step in, but he didn't have to a voice from Tenjou was heard.

"I will not have you talk to Souzousha in that manner." Souzousha looked smug but was quickly let down when Jouten continued.

"My dearest daughter you may not interfere in this matter, other than what has been done, have faith in your maidens, and Kirin I do. Leander do not cross me, or Vala will be the best thing to happen to you."

Then it was silent.

Souzousha and Akiko left Leander to worry, not only was Souzousha, Kirin, and the maidens against him but Jouten himself. Someone Leander had always hoped to please not anger. What else could go wrong? He didn't have long to wait Fir Darrig returned what else could go wrong.

"Well, what did she say?"

Fir Darrig wasn't sure how to present this information to Leander, but he figured that he would know if he were lying.

"She would have come if one of the other maidens hadn't incapacitated her, and the chosen one."

Fir Darrig had Leander's attention, at the mention of the incapacitation of the chosen one.

"What do you mean that the chosen one was incapacitated?"

I'm of the idea the young man was willing to have the young lady come here and give herself to you. They needed to render him unconscious to stop him from telling her this."

Leander almost looked blissful it was something Fir Darrig had never witnessed.

"I have sent word to Padderick if at all possible to take the Lady of the Jade alive."

"What is Padderick up to?"

"Do not worry yourself over Padderick he has his orders."

Tyla had place Jem gently into a pillow bed letting the child sleep off the effects of the sleeping spell she had placed on everyone in the field. Kirin made her presence known to Tyla.

"A Fairy took the child, what would Queen Tatiana and King Oberon say to such behavior?"

Tyla was ready to use her powers on Kirin.

"You cannot have the child?"

Kirin smiled a wicked-looking smile sending shivers down Tyla's spine.

"I'm not here to take her it is not allowed. Know she has my protection, and if any harm comes to her, I will not stop with Leander I will come after all of you."

With that said she was gone, or at least Tyla didn't see her, but she sensed she was still there. Tyla would have to be very careful; she did not want Kirin to tell the Queen and King of the fairies about what she had done. 

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