Disappearing act

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I scramble to my feet. "H-How am I here? I was safe. Protected." I begin pacing around the room with my trembling hands in my hair. Laughter echoes through the intercom, "Protected? Ha! No one can protect you Doll. Not even the mighty Sebastian Harrington!" He's enjoying this. The power. "How did you manage to get me out? I was upstairs. You couldn't have walked me out. The entire house would have seen!" Silence follows my question. "Hello?" Silence once more. I walk around the room slowly. There's no escape...


"What do you mean she's gone! How does someone disappear from their bedroom with no one seeing a damn thing? Explain that to me, Roswell!" Sebastian paces around his study, his hands balled into tight fists. Roswell remains calm, "Sir, we have no idea what happened to Miss Vanguard, but I'm sure the security footage might enlighten us. That is if you will grant me access?" Sebastian pauses a moment, scribbles some words on a piece of paper, and hands it to Roswell, "Find her! Don't come back without an appropriate answer!" With that, Roswell leaves.

Sebastian, still pacing around his office. His mind clouded with rage and worry, "How could this happen? I bring her here to protect her and on the first night she disappears?" Sebastian grabs a glass off his table and throws it at the wall. Glass shattering all over the floor, "Fuck!"

Roswell quietly walks into the office, "Sir, we found something on the footage." Sebastian turns to face him, "What have you found?" Roswell clears his throat, "Sir, it appears that Miss Vanguard left on her own. That's why none of the employees thought to say anything. She walked out the front door." Sebastian walks back to his desk, "She left?" He frowns, "Why? I thought she would be happy here." Roswell continues, "There's more Sir. Miss Vanguard seemed intoxicated. She was stumbling and seemed completely out of it. Once she reached the driveway, a car picked her up and drove off. I honestly don't think she was aware of her own actions." Sebastian pauses. "Who would pick her up? How did this happen?" Roswell walks over to Sebastian and places a hand on his shoulder, "Sir, we checked her room. She doesn't have her phone. It remains on her nightstand. She was also in her nightwear when she left the property. There was also a mug on her bedside table. None of the staff offered Miss Vanguard a drink. We have no idea where it came from." Sebastian's heart is racing, and his breathing quickens, "Call our friends at the police station. As them to test the mug and its contents. Also, bring me her phone." Roswell reaches into his pocket and hands Sebastian the phone. "I'll let you know as soon as we have the results, Sir."


I wander around, freezing. My skin is covered in goosebumps and I'm shivering. I really feel like I might become hypothermic if I'm cold for a moment longer. The intercom crackles and a different voice starts speaking, "Hello Miss Vanguard. My name is Jensen. I'm sorry that we have to meet under such circumstances, but it was necessary. We can't have you under the protection of Sebastian. How else could we publicly document your bad decisions?" My breath catches in my throat, "P-please! You don't have to do this! Just let me go! I won't say anything!" My voice is hoarse, "I'll say that I ran away. Just let me go!" I'm met with silence once more. The intercom crackles again, "Now, now Miss Vanguard. Your pleading won't save you. Just do as we say, and you'll be out of here in no time."

My throat feels dry, "What do you mean? What could I possibly do for you?" I hear the latches on the door move. Someone is coming! I run toward the bed in the middle of the room and jump on it. I pull my knees up to my chest and hide my face against my knees. The door opens and I can hear heavy footsteps approaching me. Suddenly I feel someone grab me by my hair and pull me off the bed. The pain is almost unbearable. I try and grab hold of my abductor's hands but to no avail. I'm being dragged out of the room. My arms and legs thrash violently as I try to escape his grip. My ears are ringing. I know I'm screaming but I'm deafened by my own fear. Soon I'm dropped to the ground in front of someone's feet. I look up slowly as I try to sit up... It's Harry. His wide grin makes me feel sick. How can someone take pleasure in this?


Sebastian unlocks the phone and goes through it diligently. "Nothing. Nothing on this damn phone!" He flings the phone onto the couch and drops to his knees, "If Mister Vanguard could see me now, he would kill me for letting anything happen to his precious flower." 

Roswell enters the office, "Sir, it's been hours. You need sleep" Anglirly Sebastian stands up and walks toward Roswell, "I will sleep once someone can tell me where the hell Rebecca is!" Roswell sighs, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you have feelings for Miss Vanguard." He is the only person in the house who would dare speak to Sebastian in this manner. Sebastian huffs at his comment, "No, I don't have feelings for her. I'm worried. Somehow Harry knew that I would bring her here and I feel like it might be my fault that she is missing." Roswell nods, "I see. You have to remember one thing, Sir. If she had gone to her own home, it might have been days before any of us would have noticed that she'd gone missing." 

Sebastian's phone rings, "Hello? Yes. Yes. Alright. Come right over. The whole house is awake anyway. Thanks, John." Sebastian hangs up the phone, "The police are coming over. They found traces of some sort of drug in the mug we sent over. They want to search her room."

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