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I stir slowly under the covers and reach my hand across the bed to touch Sebastian. My head tells me that the spot will be empty, much like it used to be when I was married to Matt. Once my hand reached the other side of the bed, I could feel Sebastian's arm. A smile spreads across my face as I move closer to him. Sebastian lifts his arm and wraps it around me, "Good morning, beautiful." He kisses the top of my head and sighs, "Good morning." My voice is soft and hoarse from sleep. We lay in each other's arms for about twenty minutes when Sebastian whispers into my hair, "How about we go out for breakfast?" I tilt my head up to look at him, "That sounds perfect. I'm starving." He smiles at me and kisses the tip of my nose, "It's settled then. I'll go make us some coffee while you get ready." I nod slowly, not wanting to let go of him. Sebastian notices my hesitation, "There will be plenty of opportunities for us to cuddle, my love. Get ready." He gets out of bed and walks out of the room. I turn onto my back and stretch before getting up to brush my teeth and wash my face. After I finish freshening up, I do my hair and makeup. The smell of fresh coffee wafts into the room, followed by Sebastian. As I walk out of the bathroom, Sebastian hands me my cup and kisses me on the cheek, "Careful, my love. The coffee is hot." I nod and blow over the steaming cup to cool it before taking a sip, "This coffee is divine!" Sebastian laughs at my surprise, "I'm glad you like it." After we finish our coffee, we both get dressed and head out for breakfast.

Sebastian opens the garage door and backs out with the vehicle stored inside. "I didn't picture you as someone that would own a car like this!" He leans over and opens my door, "Hey! I love an Astin Martin. They aren't the best cars out there, but this is my baby. Don't insult the baby." I laugh as I get into the passenger seat, "I'm not insulting the baby. I was merely admiring her." Sebastian squints his eyes, "Good thing you said that otherwise, I might have left you here and had breakfast alone." We both erupt into laughter as we drive off.

The nearest town is fifteen minutes away. Sebastian and I laugh and talk the whole way there. We approach a quaint little town. It's beautiful. All the houses seem old-fashioned, but they are all well looked after. Families are walking, and children are playing in the streets, "Oh Sebastian, it's so beautiful here!" He smiles as he places his hand on my leg, "I wanted to bring you here. My grandparents used to live in this town, and I loved coming here as a child." I'm touched by how sentimental he is, "I can't wait to see all of it!"

We stopped at a restaurant that is located on the beach. The owner immediately recognizes Sebastian and runs to greet him. The two share a warm hug, and then Sebastian introduces me, "Darian, meet Rebecca, the love of my life. Becca, meet Darian. I practically grew up in his restaurant." My cheeks flush red at the introduction, "It's lovely to meet you, Darian." Darian wraps me in a warm hug, "It's wonderful to finally meet you! Now I have a face to put with the name. Maybe now Sebas can stop talking my ear off about how he feels about you!" Darian turns to Sebastian, "Now you have her! The hard part will be keeping her. She is every bit as beautiful as you described." Sebastian is visibly embarrassed, " Oh stop, old man, you're making my woman uncomfortable." Darian laughs as he leads us to our table.

Sebastian and I spend the next few hours eating, laughing and walking around town. He shows me all the places he used to play and even takes me to his grandparent's old house. It feels very intimate to see all the parts of Sebastian's life that he doesn't show anyone else. As we are walking back to the car, we hear a voice call out from behind us, "Sebastian! Wait!" We stop and turn to follow the sound of the voice. A beautiful blonde woman is running toward us. Her skin is golden brown, and she has the body of a supermodel. I tighten my grip on Sebastian's arm, and a pit starts to form in my stomach. Once she reaches us, Sebastian lets go of my arm and the two embrace like old friends. She hangs on to Sebastian a little longer than I like, and I clear my throat. The two separate, and I'm introduced, "Becca, this is Veronica. Veronica, meet Becca." Becca? Not, my love, Becca? Who the fuck is this woman?

Veronica looks me up and down, "Oh, hi." I frown, look over at Sebastian and then back at her, "Hi." Sebastian, obviously sensing the tension, "Veronica and I grew up together. She's an old family friend." Veronica huffs and giggles, "There was a time when we were more than friends, Sebas. Come now, don't break my heart like that!" She annoys me. Veronica touches Sebastian's chest and giggles like a teenager, and Sebastian is enjoying the attention. I can feel my stomach drop when she mentions that they have been together. She is not over him. Sebastian looks over at me, and he can tell that I am not enjoying this encounter. "It was nice seeing you again, but we really should be going." She frowns and glares at me, "Right. Well, enjoy your time with," she motions at me, "This." Just like that, she walks away. My mouth is hanging open, "The fuck did she just call me!" Sebastian wraps his arm around my waist, "Don't mind her. Let's just go." My day is ruined. Veronica ruined our beautiful day.

The drive back home was quiet, not filled with laughter like it was on our way there. Once we stop at the house and Sebastian unlocks the door, I head straight for the bathroom. I close the door behind me and slide down to the floor. My mind is flooded with images of Veronica curled up in his arms. It kills me to think that he might have told her that he loves her. A short while later, there is a soft knock at the door, "Becca. Can we talk, or are you still angry?"

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