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For a moment it's quiet. I pull back a little bit, our mouths very close to each other, "Becca, why did you do that?" His eyes are still closed and I can feel his heart beating under my hand on his chest, "I needed to. To- To thank you." He sighs, almost disappointed at my answer, "You seem disappointed?" I pull away from him and he lifts his hand to stroke my cheek, "I'm not disappointed. I kind of wanted to be the one that kissed you. It never feels like the right time." I hang my head slightly, "Just like right now wouldn't have been the right time" He pulls my head toward him and kisses me on the forehead, "Exactly. Now get some sleep. You need your rest."

My first night was rough. I kept waking up in a cold sweat, hoping that I was in Sebastian's home and not my cement prison. Nightmares would rip through me and Sebastian would have to wake me so that I could calm down. Neither of us had a good night's rest.

My eyes feel heavy when I finally wake up. Sebastian is no longer in bed with me but it's still warm from where he was sleeping. He can't be far. I hear the water running in my bathroom. He's in the shower...

I sit up and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. No wonder the poor man fled to the bathroom. I look like a scarecrow. I get out of bed and get dressed, brush my hair, and put on some makeup. Just as I was about to leave the room, Sebastian comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. I'm staring shamelessly, "You're staring Becca." Quickly snapping out of my daze, "So what if I am?" He just laughs as he walks toward me and plants a kiss on my temple, "I'm glad you didn't lose your witty nature." He grabs his clothes from a chair in the room and walks to his bedroom.

I softly touch my temple where he kissed me. What I would give to have that again. I head downstairs and I'm greeted by John waiting by the front door, "John? What are you doing here?" He smiles and walks over to me, "Good morning Rebecca, I asked Sebastian if I could stop by to discuss some things about the case." I walk closer to John and give him a tight hug, "I realize I never thanked you for saving me. Thank you, John. If it wasn't for all of you, I would probably still be down there, or worse." John pulls away after the hug, "No need to thank me. I've known you for a large part of your life. You're family." John and I sit down in the living room, catching up on old times when Sebastian finally comes downstairs, "Sorry I'm late John. I was just getting ready."

Sebastian sits down and nods at John to begin. "Our officers spent the entire night gathering evidence from the scene and we found a few things that we need some clarity on if you don't mind?" I nod, "Sure, no problem. What do you need help with?" John seems rather uncomfortable, "Well, you see, we found some troubling things in that place. I know you mentioned last night that you weren't assaulted, but are you sure? We found some underwear in one of the rooms and they were covered in what appeared to be semen. We're going to test them to be sure but whoever stayed in that room was collecting the underwear." I look over at Sebastian and then at the ground, "I wasn't assaulted. The guy that used to watch me wash was kind of a pervert. He would tell me that he would think about me at night, but I didn't know that that was what he was doing. He was truly harmless John." Relief washes over Sebastian and John. He continues, "My men are reviewing the camera footage we found at the scene. Harry had tons of footage on multiple cameras. I just wanted you to know that we will review all of it. He won't be able to weasel his way out of this one." I'm grateful for John and his team, "I really appreciate that John. Thank you." 


Three weeks go by and I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. Sebastian is keeping his distance for some reason. Maybe I scared him when I kissed him because he hasn't kissed me since that night.

(POV: Sebastian)

I'm sitting in my home office working when my phone rings, "John. Good to hear from you." John talks to me for a few minutes and then asks me if I would come down to the station. "There is something I want to show you. Don't mention anything to Rebecca about you coming here." His words have me worried, "Alright, I'll be right over." I put the phone down and get up to leave. "Where are you off to?" Shit! It's Rebecca. "I'm off to work. There are some things I need to take care of. I'll see you later?" She just nods as I walk past her and out the front door.

Once I arrive at the police station, John immediately takes me into a back room. "Take a seat. I want to show you something we found at the scene. I haven't watched it but it's a video of Rebecca." I immediately become hesitant, "John I don't really need to see more footage of them hurting her." He shakes his head while he sits down, "I don't think that's what this is. They all left the room and she sat down in front of the camera. That's where I paused it." I look over at the laptop and the image on the screen is Rebecca sitting down in front of the camera. I sit down next to John, "Play it." 

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