Chapter 11

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Maxon POV

At first I was confused at America's outburst, but then it all came crashing back to me. Last night Kriss was eager to have 'alone time' upstairs in the bedroom that I was sharing with Aspen.

"Maxie, kiss me" she whispered and jumped me, her lips smothering mine. This was wrong, a few hours ago, I was making love to America and now Kriss wanted the same. I wanted to push her off me, but it would be too obvious that I wanted to distance myself from Kriss and eventually break up. The last few months we had gotten physical with each other, I was ashamed of myself though - because America was still in my heart.

"Kriss, honey, we have to stop. All our friends are downstairs having fun, why don't we join them?"

"Do you not want to kiss me?" she pouted

"No, No, it's not that. I just don't want to be a rude guest" I lied through my teeth.

She reluctantly pulled away from me, grabbed my hand and begrudgingly dragged me down the stairs.


The had night ended with a movie and we all went upstairs after we said our goodnights. That very morning, I was awoken with Celeste hovering above my bed.

"AHHHH! What are you doing in here?!" I screamed

"Relax princey, come on, help me make pancakes"
"Sure but maybe try to wake me up in a less creepy way next time!?"
We tiptoed down the stairs, so as not to wake anyone and we reached the kitchen and got to work.
"So what's up with you and America?" Celeste said
Damn straight to the point I see.

" Nothing."  I kept it short. I wasn't sure if America would want to share this yet or at all even. I wasn't sure myself where this was going. Did I still love her? Of course! I never should have let her go but she fucking broke my heart that day with Aspen. I don't think I could live in such pain anymore though. Life without her was miserable, she was my air. After last night I became a new man, awoken from all the suffering I've lived through being apart from her.

"You must think I'm such an idiot." she retorted smugly. 

"I can guess perfectly well what went down with you two, both returning from the beach with wet hair, the little looks between you. Just please don't fuck it up this time. I love my friend and seeing her this depressed for so long has changed her and it's your fault." the serious look in her eyes was all the confirmation I needed to know that America missed me just as much as I missed her.

"I promise I won't mess up"

"Good now let's get cooking!"

The rest came down about five minutes later and we all had a full on flour fight. Did I get just a tiny bit of satisfaction at smashing flour in Aspen's face? Yes. Yes I did and I enjoyed every fucking minute of it.

America came down with a glare on her face but I saw that glimmer of mischief behind her dazzling eyes. She shooed us all upstairs to get cleaned up and I took the opportunity to sneak a sweet good morning kiss. All she did was brush me off though. 

"What's all this about?" I whispered, obvious upset in my gaze. I thought things were okay?

"Why don't you run upstairs to Kriss and figure it out whilst your making out" 

I was disappointed. Did she not understand my true feelings about her? I didn't want Kriss! I wanted her! I knew I had to figure things out soon to save us both the heartache we experience on the daily. It was probably time to talk to Kriss, as soon as we got home and tghen I would be one step closer at getting America back in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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