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Wild Card- Pressure

Pressure pushing down on me- Under Presure, David Bowie

From the time he could walk Warren Telford aka Wildcard son of Techno and Enchantress (not the DC one) felt the pressure of being the child of one of the Heroics for it was the when his powers started to develop. They showed up at random times which earned him the nickname Wildcard among his peers, often and not always the same ones either at first it was invisibility and when that happened his parents thought they had lost him then came others flying, freeze ray, the elements were one of the ones that developed during the terrible two's. His powers continued to manifest themselves very fast and very quickly and so did the pressure to control them.

It was exactly that the pressure that was placed on him which caused Warren to struggle to control his powers and manifest the one which he desired to use. Pressure to control, pressure to do well with school and pressure to leader the junior heroics. Then when he met Missy there was a different sort of pressure. Pressure to impress her by showing her his powers so he was pretty bummed out when he set his text book on fire instead teleporting to the next table over and it was also that pressure to lead his friends that caused him to be snarky with Missy.

However, when Missy became leader of their team, he felt some of that pressure lift she never once shot him down when he made a suggestion to a plan, she encouraged and believed in him when he doubted himself and in doing so made him stronger, she was his rock, his strength. He felt the pressure of the ring which he bought with the help of Wheels and Noodles and carried round with him for nearly a year before he finally proposed to Missy and again the pressure was lifted from his shoulders with her by his side the pressure of proving himself never settled or at least not permanently.

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