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Missy- Human

I'm only human...I bleed when I fall down.... I crash and I break down- Human-Christina Perri

(I've set the story in San Antonio, Texas)

Missy Moreno, was powerless or at least that is what she told herself all the time, she blamed herself for her mother's death as much as her dad did because she was there when the incident happened. They had been driving home from a shopping trip in the St Pauls Square Marcus had been out on mission with Invisi Girl or Violet when there was an attack on the Arsenal Bridge. Missy and her mum had been singing along to the radio songs and when the bomb went of her mum had swerved so that she was away from the worst of the explosion. An explosion which had caused the car to flip during which her mum had unbuckled herself and thrown herself across her daughter.

Missy had escaped with some bruised ribs and minor grazes and a concussion but her mum she had died on the way to the hospital and Missy couldn't help but feel like if she had had power's she could had protected them both. She refused to grieve openly for the sake of her dad but inside her heart was broken, part of her was gone her mum was gone she cried herself to sleep for months. She would never have conversations about boyfriends or crushes or girl issues again with her mum or get hugs off her again when the other children at her normal school teased her for having no powers. She cried because she was worried for her dad too, scared that the next mission he went on would be his last. He then promised he would still work with the team just from behind his desk.

When she eventually met Warren aka Wildcard and the rest of the team, she was surprised at how happy she felt to be surrounded by others like she was ready to make some friends. Well until Wildcard reminded her about her lack of powers. But he also helped her stand up again he encouraged her plan when the aliens took over. She fell again though about four years after the invasion she and Wildcard had been dating for three years when the team went out on mission a blast went off in the storehouse, they were facing off the opponents and Wildcard covered her body with his own thankfully he was able to use his powers to protect them from the worst but he was still injured. She refused to leave the HQ infirmary scared that she was going to lose him her nightmares became more vivid as she relived both her mother's death and the explosion. Missy cried when he recovered and cried even more when he proposed to her. When they had children Missy though she had no traditional superpower did find one and that was being a mother and her husband's emotional support anchor, a superpower that made her feel closer to her mum.

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