Chapter 3:The Story Begin

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Hestia:"Since the ancient time,We the divines came down from heaven for you,Our children for finding an inspiration.Then we decided to seal of our divine power to live among you.To feel the uncertain and and hard time while living down here.Only one thing we the Gods and Goddess to give you.The gift is power to fight against monster called blessing. Other name of power called fauna.In exchange you people become our servant.In other words become "FAMILIAR" with the divine power you bless on as you become my servant.Hey!!two of you even heard what I said!!?"

As a speech stop,a young man wearing red robe holding seemingly a a wooden staff sort of.He currently surrounded by 2 of hulking wounded monster with bull feature.Yes that monster is a Minatour.But the situation is not that dire to him.That young man is Mob.

It has being 2 week since he become Hestia familiar.Day after that Mob and Bell go to guild and register as adventure.While he get educate about weapon,dungeon and then he got starter weapon.Same with Bell.For near a week,Mob can be manage making some amount of money because dozen of monster Mob kill.As the method use by Mob,he only sending a wave of his psychic energy or using telekinesis as they instantly defeated.This phenomena very similar when Mob exorcise the spirit.But again,seem no body notice Mob power.Only person know about this beside Bell and Hestia is some receptionist girl working on guild.She become good advisor both him and Bell.

Mob:"(So many monster.Since when high level monster in this upper level.Hmmm... I think I need to study more.Maybe?Wait,holding this stafd is actually waste of tim ?But She said any mage need this.I even a mage in the first place?)I hope Bell-san manage to call back up.From what I heard Minatour to powerful for Level 1 like us."As he power up his psychic energy as faint blue aura surround Mob Body.


Then,Minatour try to attack Mob from behind but fail as an invisible barrier in from of sphere protect Mob from it.Even such power that powerful enough to kill Level 2,the barrier held as nothing as happen.Not even a scratch.Then Mob retaliate back by slamming the monster using telekinesis.Each slam destroying a wall,floor of the dungeon as they ricochet.


Minatours:"Mooooooooowwww!!"As the last slam hit them hard,killing them instant while leaving a small of blood splash.Then 2 huge mana stone appear in their stead.

Mob:"(Hmph...this Minatour not that strong as people said.Is my status is that weak?.This situation could not be explain.Maybe I got lucky?So... is useless for me to hold up so Bell go to find back up? )I hope nothing happen to Bell.Eh?"As he head a scream bit from human and monster,then heading to the direction where the scream origin.



??:"What the hell going on here.Who strong enough to finish the job.You pointy ear,can tell what going on"As he speak with arrogant tone.This person or animal people of wolf species with gray colour.

??:"Shut up Bete.As your commander please refrain using such vulgar attitude.Now let me doing my job here in peace.Hmmm... I detect some unknown magic signature.Is not magic,how should I describe it.Like mythical force that normal people could never detect it.But in the end I assume some high ranked adventure just pass here coincidentaly. "As reveal to be elf with green hair.

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