Beautiful Monster - The Arguments Begin...

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Hotel door rooms slammed absolutely everywhere inside the building, and the girls of F!VE were no different.

"Look, Bex" Jade turned on her friend, dark eyes sparking with anger, "I saw you back there. You totally tried to steal Dan from me."

Bex rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Jade! I wasn't stealing him at all. We knew each other before today, and you didn't even know he was on the planet until like two hours ago! Dan and me are Twitter Friends!"

"Twitter Friends? You really expect me to believe that? Like you weren't trying to flirt with him every five seconds!"

That was it. Jade knew from the look in Bex's pale eyes that she had overstepped the mark.

"I...can't believe this." Bex said in a hushed tone that was far scarier than her angry one. "We've been bandmates for a year, best friends longer than that. And this is truthfully what you thought of me, what you think of me? That I'm a slag? Well, thanks, I need to get out of here."

She walked out, slamming the door behind her.

"Nice one, Jade" Casey groaned. "Because of a boy, we might not have anyone to do our harmonies."

"How can you still care about the competition?" Jade asked.

"Because" Jess shouted "This IS a competition! This is what we're here for, Jade, not some boys! But you always get distracted, as usual!"

Jade had just had enough. Not thinking straight, she stormed out and left the room, slamming the door behind her with force.

Phoebe was walking down the corridor when she saw Jade storm past her. Opening the door to the hotel room, she looked at her friends in confusion.

"Where's Bex? And why has Jade just gone off in a rant."

Her friends looked at her like she was an idiot. "Never mind that" Jess groaned, rolling her eyes. "Where have you been?"

"I was just talking to a new friend." Phoebe blushed.

"Blushing means it's a boy!" Casey teased. "No seriously, it better not be a member of GMD3, we're screwed enough with them."

Phoebe laughed. "No it wasn't one of those guys. He's a solo artist. He's called George."

"George.." Jess trailed off in thought. "Oh, the one that performed Toxic?"

"Yeah, that's the one." Phoebe nodded.

"He's cute! Nice work."

"We're just friends. I'm not even sure if we're that yet."

"Just friends?" Casey rolled over on the bed. "There's no such thing."

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