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A shot echoed in an abandoned building, turned via illusion into an interior of a large cheesecake, transforming leaking water into chocolate and the rubble laying on the ground into sweets.

The musket ball pierced the head of a doll-like Witch. The creature stood straight for a few seconds before crumpling onto her back.

So that's all? So much searching and walking, only to finish with a pull of the trigger?

Mami Tomoe stepped closer to inspect. Dead eyes focused on the ceiling and the mouth hung agape, as if the Witch itself was surprised with the outcome.

But to the Magi's surprise, the body shook lightly. This quickly turned into violent convulsions, before the head split itself, ripped apart by a giant black body of a snake emerging from the neck stump. It rose higher and higher, longer than the body that was supposed to hold it.

She stared it down like a deer in the headlights, too paralyzed with fear to move, even when its head, with horns of red and blue dove for her. Opened the jaws of death, showing teeth of all shapes and sizes, ready to behead the girl in one chomp.

As the blonde stared into the abyss closing in, a red-tipped spear crashed through the top of the maw. A deafening roar of pain shook the place, as black blood spurted everywhere. The monster's head fell down to the ground, still struggling and wiggling like a worm, mad eyes with spiral irises fixated on the would-be victim the entire time.

Kyoko Sakura ripped out the weapon and jumped down next to her partner.

"Damn, I just about made it," She said, gasping for air. "Hey, Wake up Mami-san!" she snapped her fingers in front of her face.

"Th-Thanks," The other Magi snapped out of it, the reality of how close she came to dying hitting her like a ton of bricks.

"Get your head in the game or someday you'll lose it." The redhead patted her on the shoulder and headed towards the exit as the illusory lair collapsed around them.

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