After the snow

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The herd got out of the cave before it collapsed on them, Crash looked around "Where's Buck?"
"Don't worry." Diego smiled "He's where he wants to be."
"Is he going to be okay?" "Are you kidding? Nothing can kill that weasel. It's, Rudy I'm worried about."

Crash chuckled and Peaches was put down in the snow, she was excited the fact their was snow. She played in the snow with crash and Eddie, falling on Crash, he played dead

 She played in the snow with crash and Eddie, falling on Crash, he played dead

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A few years past, Crash and Eddie got in a fight about something stupid.

POV Crash

"Buck is faster then Diego"
"No way Crash, Diego is definitely faster then him"

I jump onto Eddie, fighting him. I punch his face and he punch me, he started running off and I ran after him in the forest "get back here!!"
"Waaaahhh!!!" I froze and Eddie stop "what was that?" Eddie ask, I shrug. Hearing crying "let's go find out, be tough like Buck" I smiled as I walk towards the crying, I froze seeing a whole bunch of fur and what I think is 'ketchup' but crying was heard, I continue towards the sound and look down a hole, seeing a baby wrapped in a leaf

 Hearing crying "let's go find out, be tough like Buck" I smiled as I walk towards the crying, I froze seeing a whole bunch of fur and what I think is 'ketchup' but crying was heard, I continue towards the sound and look down a hole, seeing a baby...

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"Whoa... a baby" Eddie said behind me, I pick the baby up "she's so cool looking" I smiled.

Holding her tightly I walk back with Eddie "so what are we gonna do with the baby?" "I'm not sure... I think I want her" "what?! But we aren't even mature enough to watch Sid!" Eddie did have a point but she's so cute, I held the baby up and rub my nose against her small nose, she giggled.

Walking with Eddie, I held the baby close, I saw Ellie with 3 year old peaches. I walk up to Ellie "Ellie I found a baby!"I held the baby up to her and she looked over "oh my goodness, Manny come here!" Manny walked over when Ellie called him, seeing the baby the whole herd came to look at the baby.

"It's a Bunny... baby?" "Yeah, I found her in a hole by herself... I think I want to keep her" I said, holding her close.

"Do you think that's a good idea Ellie? They barely know how to shower." Diego ask and I roll my eyes "I can take care of her... to prove it, I'll name her Y/N" Ellie smiled, Wrapping her trunk arm me and Y/N "Y/N's a beautiful name for her" putting me on her back, I put little Y/N in Ellie's hair.

Crash raised Y/N with Eddie, Ellie and Granny's help, after the continental drift Y/N snuck away with peaches, them being around the same age. Just 3 years apart, Y/N became stronger and kept Peaches safe with a sword she stole from Squint, how she did it was she tricked Squint into thinking she was gonna be apart of their crew but helping the herd get back together, Crash always had to soft spot for his adopted daughter. He saw the wild side of her, reminding him of Buck, Y/N was a very wild girl.

After getting the herd back together and Shira joining, Y/N enjoyed being in herd.


I smile, walking beside Dad and Eddie, I turn around "dad.. uncle.. let's go have some fun" Dad and Eddie smile, nodding. We snuck up into a tree, I quickly put vines all over, covering the trap, I run over to Sid "Uncle Sid! I need your help!!" "Okay sweetheart, I coming."

I walk over, jumping over the trap, Sid slowly walk into the trap and was upside down with the vines tied around his legs. We all laugh, Manny walked over "okay Y/N.. enough playing around with Sid" "Aww come on Manny, let her have her imagination" Diego laugh, I smiled up at Diego and dad hug me.

Diego look down at Y/N and she had the sword that she stole from Squint.

( I made this from deviantart trust allow you to use the base to make your own )

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( I made this from deviantart trust allow you to use the base to make your own )

Diego tussled her hair, she laugh as she kept her one ear over her one shoulder.

Manny pick Crash up "can I ask you a question Crash?" "Yeah?" "What is she, is she? What kind of rabbit? She has a long tail and bunny ears" "I don't know... but she's special to me, I love being a father" Manny roll his eyes "please, you, Eddie and Y/N play tricks on a lot of animals..."

Y/N touch her ear that lays on her shoulder, rubbing it as she talk with Ellie. Being 16, she hasn't gone through to much changes. Y/N protects her family but ends up playing around a lot, she loves her Dad a lot and her uncle.

A few years went by ( in IA4 Peaches is 15 but in collision it doesn't say, so she'll be 21 and Y/N will be 19 )

Y/N ran on the ice to her father Crash and uncle Eddie to watch Manny play hockey with peaches.

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