The hockey game

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Manny and his daughter, Peaches, were playing a game of hockey with a turtle shell as the puck.

Y/N sat with Crash and Eddie, watching them play "It's a lovely day here on the ice as father meets daughter in a quest for hockey supremacy." Y/N says, Crash smiles with his daughter on his right and Eddie on his left "It's Peaches meets Mammoth."Crash says, Eddie jump up "Mammoth meets mammoth." "Mano a mano."

Crash lean on Eddies back "Meema me moo-ma." "Mama may mee-mee." Crash lean even more on Eddie, Y/N hug them both.

Manny skate around them "Will you three quit it?"
"Okay" Y/N lean on her hand, Crash sighed and Eddie rolled his eyes "Meanie" they sat their in a mood as Manny skate towards the hockey goal "The blazing mammoth takes it on the breakaway! There's never been a player so tough. So graceful." "So desperate to score." Peaches smirk "He fakes right. He fakes left." Manny moved right the left

Peaches gets ready "He fakes knowing how to play!" taking the shell with her hockey stick from Manny, Manny turns around to peaches holding the Shell with her hockey stick

Peaches gets ready "He fakes knowing how to play!" taking the shell with her hockey stick from Manny, Manny turns around to peaches holding the Shell with her hockey stick

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"What's wrong? Lose something?" Peaches smirk.

Y/N, Eddie and Crash came on the ice with grass skirts, cheerleading "Hey, what's that stink I smell out there? It's Manny! Hey, hey! It's Manny! Whoo-hoo! You stink!" The 3 of them put their butt up at Manny, making Y/N chuckle. She look over seeing Granny with Ellie, Y/N took her skirt off and skate over to them.

"Okay, fuzzball, let's see what you got." Manny gets ready as Peaches smile again at her father "You asked for it." She moves across the ice, throwing snow onto her father's face, blinding him for a second and hitting the shell into a tree bark goal "Yes! She dominates.. again!" Manny wipes the snow off his face "Oh, please, I went easy on you. It's called good parenting." "Yeah, right. Face it. I rule the ice now."

"Oh, you talk a big game, hotshot

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"Oh, you talk a big game, hotshot. Alright, how about best of three?"
Just then, Julian, Peaches fiancée, arrives on the ice, he jumps on the ice making Y/N wince at his decision "Whoo-hoo! Yes! Touchdown!" He slips on the ice "Wait, no, that's not right. Not touchdown. What is it? Uh, hole-in-one! Whoo!" julian slips on the ice again towards Peaches "Julian"Peaches smile at Julian while he bumps into Manny "Ow!"

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