Chapter 10

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Dante came up to me and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards him like I'm some child like they where touching something they shouldn't had been touching.

"I thought I told you she can't go out" he said looking at Samuel "and I thought I told you to pack" he said with anger looking at me and squeezing my wrist.

"Dante I just want to take her out" his head snapped back at Samuel.

"Samuel if you know better I suggest you leave"

I could also see the anger in Samuel face. He looked right at me disappointed.

"I'm sorry Jude" Samuel turned around and left me with Dante. I was kinda disappointed that Samuel left was he really scared of his own brother would do to him.

"You just love to disobey me don't you" I couldn't even look at him I just looked at the door that Samuel went through to leave.

"Look at me when I talk to you" he said moving my chin to look at him. I didn't say anything. Next thing I know I get thrown on to his shoulder. He walks to the stairs and started to go up "let me go" I started to hit his back but then I felt his hand on my ass as he smacked it.

He then stopped walking when his phone started to ring.


As he was speaking to the person on the phone he didn't put me down he just held me.

He got off the phone and turned around walking down the stairs "can you please" I didn't even get to finish what I was going to say.

"We need to leave for Italy you will get your punishment later"

"I didn't pack"

"I already have clothes for you"

I just kept quiet thinking about what he means by I'll get my punishment later.

He carried me to the car and he put me down. I got into the car and sat by the door he got in right after me leaving a big space in between us. The driver finally left the house and we where on the road.

As I was looking out of the window I could feel a pair of eyes just looking at me and I know it was him. I turned my head to look and he was looking at me.


"I like your dress" he says as I saw his eyes shift to my chest and then back to my eyes.

"Thank you it was a gift"

"From who" he says crossing his arms


After I said who it was from it was silent. I was starting to get tired and I tried getting into a comfortable position to go to sleep.

"What are you doing"

"Trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in"

"We're about to pull up " he says pointing at the window and I look to see the airport.

But the driver doesn't stop he keeps driving. "He passed up where he needs to drop us off" Dante just started to laugh "I have a private jet and I have my own entrance"

The driver drove to a sign that says stop I watch how he puts in a code and starts driving. I watch how closer we got to the plane.

The driver then stops and Dante gets out and then close the door leaving me in the car. Dante walks to the other side of the car and opens my door.

"Let's go angel" he says putting his hand out to me "Dante I can't" I started to get scared and nervous "Angel everything is going to be okay" I wanted to believe him but I couldn't because of what happened to my dad.

"Just step out of the car to get some air" his hand still was out for meI reached for his hand and he helped me out of the car.
"Take your time and walk slowly"he said as we walk to the plane as we reach the steps I started panic again.

"I can't do it, I don't want to die, please I don't want to go" he turned me around to face him "Jude everything is going to be okay just take some deep breaths" he cups my face with his hands.

"Breath in"

I did what he said following his instructions.

"Breath out"

"Breath in"

"Breath out"

I finally calm down. He helped me walk up the stairs as we enter the plane dante sat me down into the chair and went to go get me a glass of water.

"Here I couldn't find the water so I got you some tequila" he hands me the glass and as I put to my lips I could smell the tequila.

"Bring me the bottle"

"You'll get drunk"

"Yes but It will calm down my nerves" I said with the glass in my hand that wouldn't stop shacking. Dante notice how I was and left and came back with the bottle of tequila.

I sat there taking big sips of the tequila. We have a eight hour flight. I kept looking out of the window to see how high up we are I took another sip but then I didn't feel so good.

I got up and ran to the bathroom "Jude" I heard my name call out as I ran past dante.
I started to throw up the tequila god I hate this it started to burn my throat.

I felt a warm hand place on my back he then started to rub my back and then gave me a wet towel to wipe my face. "It's okay I got you" he lifted me up bridal style and sat me down. "Get some rest" he placed his warm lips on my forehead and put his blazer on me to cover me up.

"Thank you" I said reaching out for his hand he looked at me and gave me a small smile. I held on to his hand until I went to sleep.

Go follow me on Instagram for updates and some soloilers. @haysr_10

Just wondering if y'all Dante point of view please let me know.

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