Chapter 5

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"Good morning Dimentio!" The D-Man, who's name, I found out, was Alexander, said. He was the one in charge of my cell. Kind soul, an idiot though. He's very frustrating, and for some sick reason, seems to see me as his friend. It's pathetic, really. How sad must your life be to consider the prisoner you're in charge of a friend?! Idiot.

"I've brought you your breakfast for today! I've even snuck in a muffin for you!"

He opened the small slot on my cell door and slid the food inside. The chains made some noises as I walked over and picked up the gross prison food. I've been locked away here for 213 breakfasts now. 152 more and I can get my mask back.

"Thank you, Alexander," I tell him, slowly eyeing the food. Most mornings I didn't eat it right away. I usually would save it for later, but I've had a rather restless night, and needed a distraction, so I ate.

"Is that chewing I hear? Dimentio, are you eating? You never eat right away," He says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Don't act so surprised," I tell him. 

"I take it you didn't sleep well,"

"Hmm, You're very observant for a lonely guard."

"W-well it IS my job. Although, I'll tell ya, when the queen told me I'd be in charge of watching the most dangerous being in all existence, I didn't think you'd be like this." He states with a light chuckle. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Well I expected some kind of demon."

"Bold of you to assume that I am not one," I snap back, a cold edge in my voice.

"Well, demons are incapable of love," He says almost too casually.

And I spit out my food. "Excuse me?! Listen, Alexander, I appreciate that you bring me my food every morning and bore me with these conversations, but I must inform you that I am most definatly NOT in love with you."

He laughed. "PFFFT, Not ME! You see, when you work with prisoners, you get good at being able to read their emotions through their voice. You listen to their pauses and can tell what they mean. Every once in a while, you pause, as if you're hearing someone. And I can sense a hint of regret in your voice. A hint of longing. And if there's regret, it must also mean there's love inside you!"

I hear him shift so his back is against my door. I clench my fists. I can't stand when people read me.

"It is also why you occasionally have these restless nights. You tend to stay up later about once a month because of these random thoughts. You clearly have emotions. You clearly feel things, even though you try so hard to hide them. Those are something even a mask cannot hide." He explains.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. In case you've forgotten, I'm Dimentio. I can't feel anything towards anyone." I snap back.

"No, you just THINK you can't feel anything towards anyone."

I don't respond.

He sighs, and I hear him get up. "I'm your guard/friend. It's my job to observe you and be able to tell what you're thinking. The only person you're fooling here, is yourself."

Words can not describe how much I hate this idiot.

I hear him walk away, and I look down at my food. He couldn't be more wrong. All that stuff he said was ridiculous. How DARE he assume that stuff about me?!


Everyday is the same, except Alexander tends to get more and more pushy, insisting that I have emotions somewhere deep down. I never hear the other guards question the other prisoners. Why must I be the one who got stuck with this idiot?!

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