Chapter 20

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Tul Medthanan threw his new iPhone 10 across the room and it shattered. Fuck that woman! He never should have crawled into the proverbial bed with a money hungry bitch! How dare she publish that piece of shit article alluding to Tin's sexuality. 

He slowly walked down the hallway to his Father's office and knocked, respectfully, gently. Once, he would have had the balls to just knock and enter. Now, for Phupha's sake, he would tread lightly until he was old enough to fight for himself. 

Right now, it was a game of survival. He had chosen, after all. Father had to know he had nothing to do with it. 

"Enter" Tul opened the door and stopped dead. Mother was there, her face streaked with mascara, a defiant pout twisting her full, red lips. Perhaps he too, just like Tin, should be calling her step-monster. For that is exactly what the woman was... an evil witch.

"I just saw it, Father. I didn't know." Tul said, quietly. 

Father simply  nodded. "Yes, I know. Your step-mother did this all by herself. Hence, the lousy job. We are just talking about the future, aren't we? Dear?"

"I'm not divorcing you." She spat out, "You can't make me."

Father simply smiled. He tossed a sheaf of papers to her. "Remember, I told you at the time to read everything before you signed it. I don't think you did. Take it and see a lawyer. Don't worry, I still have the originals. Get out, I have to talk with Tul."

Two papers had slid from her hands. As the step-monster bent to pick them up, Tul noticed one said Pre-nuptial Agreement. He sighed. Father had been careful after two failed marriages. 

"Sit, Tul, we need to have a serious talk. I wanted to before but I don't think you were ready to listen." Father brought out a tape recorder and pressed play. 

Tul heard his 14 year old self say, "I wish Tin was dead, Mother, it would make my life easier. Yes, Yes... Mother, can't we send him away?"

Father turned off the tape recorder. "I've always known you never liked or wanted Tin around, Tul, but I did hope that you could work together, for the sake of the company. You both have strengths and weaknesses. I guess not." He shuffled papers and looked up.

"My mother has legally tied the company to Tin. You could branch out to create your own company. I can fund you but I can't give you Medthanan Industries. There are several major drawbacks. You have no talent for management. You have no education. You only know how to scheme." Father leaned back in his chair.

"There was only one person who was good for you and I've felt guilty, for years, I've felt guilty."

Tul fought back tears. He stood up. "Don't do this now. Do NOT do this to me, father."

"I have no choice. Tin has to come back home and it's your job. Your responsibility, Tul. Then, you're free to go get your man."

Without a word, Tul left, slamming the door behind him. 

Father sighed. The worst was yet to be said. His wife and the love of Tul's young life had conspired to kidnap him, kept him hostage for two weeks, all to extort money from him. He still wasn't sure that either of the boys should know. The young man was out of jail now, and had done a decent job of turning his life around. 

He knew this well. He had made sure to track his progress over the years. There was no way he would allow any person, male or female the opportunity to use a weakness to hurt his family again. It was poor judgment on his part that he let the scheming bitch into his bed and his life.

What was a man to do when he let his cock override his brain? Besides, she WAS Tin's dearly departed mother's second cousin. Blood should never treated blood this way.

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