Chapter 47

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Ma Kirakorn stared at Putch as she hung up the phone. They had enjoyed their leisurely morning with Jiew. Putch looked over at Ma and sighed, "We are so screwed. Grab your purse. We need to go. I'll explain on the way."

Can called Tin, in tears. Emotionally, it had been building. The dots finally connected. Why Ma wanted him back at work, why the boss lady bought him a suit... why Ma had to attend the damn party. He felt dirty.

Pete called Ae. He needed support to survive. He had only done what his Mother told him to. Fuck her, she left out all the important details! 

Tin, Ae, Putch and Ma all arrived at the hotel at the same time. Tin glared at the two ladies, who at least had the decency to look guilty. Ma took a deep breath. "Tin, we care. We had both of our boys' best interests at heart. You looked like hell, Can cried for months. Of course we meddled. That's what mothers do." 

Putch nodded. "I am sorry. I did not expect you to not be there. You were supposed to stop all advances on Cantaloupe."

Tin closed his eyes. "How many fucking people did you pay?" He was counting slowly backwards from one hundred.

In a very tiny, timid voice, Putch replied, "Only twenty-five."

Roaring, "Twenty-five fucking people hit on Can that night?" Putch nodded. 

Ma elbowed her in the side, "Tell him the truth, dear, all of it." 

Blanching, Putch bowed her head. "I've had men hitting on him for weeks, anywhere between ten to fifteen a night. They leave fake phone numbers and write dirty suggestions. It was supposed to drive him back into your arms."

"You two are..." Words completely failed him. The man who went to Oxford University, had no words. Finally he shook his head. "You need to apologize to Cantaloupe for the sheer hell and terror you put him through. I don't blame him if he never wants to see either of you again."

Tin knew what it was like to be manipulated. He knew it smelled funny when Can talked about it. Ma had tears in her eyes but everyone was silent as they followed Putch to the office, where it felt meeting impending doom.

Only 30 minutes. That was it. In 30 minutes, the man was gone, a large sum of cash in his hand. Ma and Putch had both been on bended knees, apologizing to both Tin and Can. Tin forgave, but did not forget. Can told his mother he was moving out. He did not forgive her. She was crying as they left.

Putch sighed, as Pete helped her stand up. "You knew it was wrong. That's why you never told Ae and I?" Pete sucked on his lower lip. Ae had a hard time keeping his laughter.

Finally sitting down at her desk, Putch leaned back. "Why is it so easy for me to run the hotel and I can't even help those two boys that I love so much?" She rubbed her temples in a circular motion. "Ae? Pour me a glass of water, please?"

"You know, Tin's a good boy. He's good with Can, too. He's had so much pain in his life. I just wanted him to be happy. All we did was make it worse." Ma was slumped in the leather chair by the door. Ae, being the kind boy, brought her a glass of water too.

"Putch, how do I explain this to Dad?" Her voice had the same whine as Can's. The other three, hearing it, started to giggle. It turned into laughter which broke the tension. "What did I say?"

They just shook their heads. It wasn't something you could explain, as tears rolled down their faces.

In the limo, the absurdity of the situation hit Tin like a ton of bricks

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In the limo, the absurdity of the situation hit Tin like a ton of bricks. He began to laugh. So those two old MOTHERS thought they could scheme them back together???

Can watched as Tin laughed until tears stood in his eyes. "Why are you laughing?"

"Can," gasped Tin, "Think about it? Has your Ma ever done this before? Schemed to get you together with someone? Do you think Pete's Mom has? They were so bad at it! They should have talked to Tul!" He clutched his abdomen. It was hurting from laughing so hard.

The feelings of being used were fading as Can saw it from Tin's viewpoint. He chuckled. "They sucked, didn't they?" He crawled up onto Tin's lap. "I feel stupid for not noticing sooner."

"Why? You're my innocent Can. You trust people, and I like that." He dropped a kiss on his forehead. 

Can turned his face up and swiftly kissed his lips. "Tin?"


"Can the driver see in here?" Can was already running his hand over Tin's chest. 

"What? No... There's a privacy shield." Tin reached up and stopped his hand on his cloth covered nipple. "Are you trying to do what I think you are?"

"Well, we never did get very far last night. I have a craving for lollipops right now."

Tin smiled. "I could definitely eat some Cantaloupe. I'm sure it's sweet."

"Fuck off, Tin." He tried to free his hand and couldn't. Tin pushed him flat to the long seat. 

"You started something. I'm going to finish it." In one swift move, the button on Can's jeans was undone. He slid down the zipper and slid his hand in... to feel silk. "Fuck! You're still wearing my underwear!"

Can smiled. Tin carefully removed his jeans and stared. Then he smiled. There was something he always wondered about. He got up and went to the small built in cabinet and took out a bottle of water. Taking the cap off, he took a drink. "Sip?" He offered it to Can.

He shook his head. "No?" Tin nodded, happily, then proceeded to get the white silk boxers wet. 

"You asshole!" Can shouted, as the cool water flooded his groin. 

"Am I?" Muttered Tin, "You are the fucking sexiest man I've ever seen." He traced the outline of his cock, clearly visible beneath the transparent silk. "Now I know why, that first time in the hotel, you lost your mind."

Can giggled. He was used to the cologne, the taste, the touch. It didn't stop the cravings. It probably never would. "You asshole, are you going to eat the fucking "cantaloupe" or not? It's been lonely for a long, long time."

Grinning, Tin picked up his hips, covered in wet cloth, and licked the length of the hard member. He sucked on the cloth covered balls. 

Can tried to find something to sink his fists in, to stabilize himself. Finally, he choose to scream, "Fuck you, asshole, either take off the damn underwear or I'll rip it off myself and fuck your damn mouth!"

Tin's laugh was spontaneous! "I love you, monkey! Your wish is my command!" He dropped him to the seat, pulled the wet briefs off, and while thrusting his thumb up his butt, sucked. Can screamed. 

It was too much, too soon. He exploded in Tin's mouth. Tin leaned back, wiping his mouth clean. Can realized then, Tin thought it was over. Fucking selfless asshole. No fucking way!

He pushed Tin over, and once again sat on him. "My turn."

"Can, I'm oka..."

"Don't!" The huskiness in his voice stopped Tin. "Don't you dare even try lying to me. I need to. I want to. And," Can fought back tears, "You know you're lying if you say you don't want to fuck me."

His hands undid the two buttons on his trousers and slid down the zipper. He pushed down the briefs and pants only enough to expose his cock and sighed. Can slipped his hand around and squeezed, hard. 

Tin grunted. It was automatic, his hips forced a thrust up. Can smiled. "So, Mr. Tin Fucking Medthanan, fuck me." He crawled off and got on his hands and knees. It was his favorite position. It was, however not Tin's.

"Turn over, Can." Tin urged.

"No, fuck me like this. We haven't got all day, Tin." Tin laughed! Laughed!

"You damn brat! How in the damn hell do you do that?" He bent and bit his ass cheek, spread the beautiful globes, gave a quick lick between and plunged deep with one thrust. He was home.

Can screamed! "You damn pervert! Fuck me! Damn it." Can's eyes drifted closed, it felt so good. He knew why Tin hated it, it was more intimate, tighter, he couldn't control himself. 

"I can't stop, Can, I can't... I'm gonna cummm!" Tin huffed.

"You moron! I love you! Come for me." Can's shoulders hit the seat with the force of Tin's thrusts.

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