I: Unplanned

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Cold as ice.

Sweet as sugar.

"They're here! Make way!" a girl with four eyes yelled out in urgent. It was loud enough to grab the attention of every student in the hallway.

It is the first day. Summer is officially over and everyone is back to their daily routine: Waking up early in the morning for ten months, eight periods of lecture, and seven hours of school wearing school uniforms.

The students in the hall exactly knew what the girl meant but they didn't exactly know what she implied by they since in their vocabulary, they means either one of the two groups of girls.

The students in the hall exactly knew what the girl meant but they didn't exactly know what she implied by they since in their vocabulary, they means either one of the two groups of girls

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At Seoul Academy, everybody knows everybody. It is an enormous school with more than five hundred students attending. And with that, everyone are familiar with the two cells. They are well aware of them. Rumors spread, people gossip. That's how it works. But with the two cells, basically everyone in the whole school recognize them. Perhaps if you go to their academy, you would know the two groups of girls. If you do go to their academy and has no idea who they are, you've been living in a huge rock, honey. The two possies are the most popular and most beautiful girls you will ever meet in Seoul Academy. Students in Seoul Academy calls them 'special'. Who wouldn't, when you get special treatment and admiration by many. But of course, with admiration, they also receive very few hate/critics. People treat them like Gods or some sort of someone from a royal family. It takes a glance to see what I mean. Oh, and did I mention how these two possies are not in good terms with each other?

 Oh, and did I mention how these two possies are not in good terms with each other?

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The double doors open. Within just a split second, the crowded hall is split into half; making a clear path for the three girls. No crumbs left behind. No emphasized words. The hallway was cleared. All that's missing is a red carpet and a paparazzi.

Two hours ago...

"I'm thinking of putting my hair in a bun. Should I?" Tiffany asks.

"Go ahead. It's the first day of school after all." Hyoyeon replied.

In as girly way as possible, giggling, Tiffany asks Jessica. "Sica, don't tell me you're planning to wear insoles?"

Jessica is better known as Sica. At least that's what her friends call her as her nickname. She is rather short. Her height isn't that bad but for her, five foot three inches and a half is short.

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