Chapter 15 - Confessions

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Y/N and his members are back at their dorm now and they're just waiting for their manager to arrive. After a few minutes, their manager arrive and they greeted each other, they all sat down and started talking about the upcoming event.

Byung-ho: So this will be the first variety show that you guys will attend, it's really nothing out of the ordinary it's just like what you watch on tv, but I want you guys to stay away from saying something controversial or things that might stir up rumors okay?

Jake: Don't worry hyung, we'll be sure to be careful with our words

Byung-ho: Alright, the filming would be two days from now so I want you guys to take as much rest as you need now since your schedule this week is packed, you might not have alot of free time

Hyojin: We understand hyung, after all we signed up for this

Byung-ho: That's good to hear, well I'll be taking my leave now, I'll tell you the rest tomorrow

Jake: Alright hyung thank you

Byung-ho waved at them and they waved back before he left. They then went back to what they were doing before, but Y/N felt abit sad since Byung-ho said that they might not have alot of free time, this means that there's going to be less opportunities to hang out with Yeji and he'll less chance to confess to her too, not only that, ITZY will also be preparing for an upcoming comeback so they'll be busy too.

But as these thoughts filled his head, his phone started ringing, his face instantly lit up when he saw Yeji called him and he answered it immediately.

Y/N: Hello noona

Yeji: Hello Y/N, I just want to talk to you about something

Y/N: Ohh really? What is it about?

Yeji: I actually want to talk to you about this in person if you don't mind

Y/N: Ohh sure where do you want to meet?

Yeji: Can we meet at the park we went to last time?

Y/N: Alright noona, what time do you want me there?

Yeji: I'll be waiting for you there at 6:00 later, I hope you'll be there

Y/N: I'll definitely be there, see you later

Yeji: See you later, don't be late ok?

Y/N: Don't worry I won't

Y/N gave a small chuckle before Yeji hung up the phone. He quickly went back to his room and lied down on his bed twisting turning and squealing, he was excited but nervous at the same time. Y/N thought hard about Yeji's actions last night, from what happened at the practice room to what she did when she was drunk, that there's a high chance that Yeji likes her back.

Ofcourse he was still not sure since he haven't had a girl confess to him before and he's dense when it comes to stuff like this. Y/N looked at the time on his phone, 12:30, he went down to their dining area where he saw the food that his hyungs prepared for them. After eating lunch and washing the dishes, Y/N decided to take a short nap before getting ready to meet Yeji.


Yeji POV

I've been waiting here for 10 minutes already and he's still not here? Maybe he's just getting ready, I'll wait for him abit longer.


Another 10 minutes have passed and he's still not here, but he told me won't be late?
It's starting to get cold too, I'm starting to regret going out without a jacket right now, I should've listened to lia. No worries, I'll just wait for him.

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