Chapter 28

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Third person POV

Your eyes slowly opened to the blinding lights in the ceiling. You unconciously raised your hand to block the light and tried to stand up slowly, but as soon as you did, your head started hurting making you fall on one knee while holding your head.

You slowly sat back down and touched your neck and forehead. It's hot, you have a fever you thought.

Why is this happening to you? Because of too much emotional and mental stress. You grew up in a good family that can easily provide you with your needs and gives you freedom. You became friends with the right people and have never been through any traumatic experience in your life. So all of this is very new to you, your mental health were not ready for any of this, so it's taking it's toll on your body.

You looked around the room and realized that you're still in the practice room, but no one was insight, not even Yeji. You tried to remember what happened, but the only thing you can recall is feeling dizzy after practice and sitting down to rest, before everything went dark.

You were about to grab your phone, when you heard the door opening, revealing Yeji holding a pill, a bottle of water and a black tupperware.

She immideately rushed to you when she saw you sitting up. She put the things down and put her hand on your forehead.

"Don't move too much Y/N, you still have a fever, you need to rest for now" she said while removing her hand from your forehead and reaching for the pill. "Here take this, it will help you recover" she handed you the pill and the water bottle. You drank it right after and lied back down.

But then it hit you, why is she taking care of you? After all you've done to her, she's the one you'd least expect to be there for you when you're in need.

"Noona, can I ask you a question?" You asked as she nodded in response. "Why are you helping me?"

She just fixed her gaze at you before speaking up. "Because I know the truth now Y/N" you widened your eyes but unconciously smiled while looking down after.

She then cupped your face and made you look at her. Then unexpectedly, she slapped you in the face, causing a stinging pain in your left cheek.

"What was that for?"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner you idiot!?" She screamed while her eyes are slightly teary. You didn't know what to do, that's why you just pulled her in for a hug. She rested her head at your shoulder as you did too.

"I'm sorry noona, I thought you wouldn't believe me if I did" you said while careesing her head. "I mean who would believe me at that time? You all thought I was a cheater, I'm pretty sure you're going to hate me even more"

It didn't take long before she hugged you back too. She hugged you tighter than she ever had, like she didn't want to let go of you anymore.

"Why would you do all of that just for me?"

"It's because I love you so much noona. You know I would do anything for you"

"But you were suffering alone, you could've just told me secretly"

"You were suffering too, and I know you would've been the first to object that, I didn't want you to get in any trouble"

The two of you just sat there, hugging each other for what felt like hours. This is the best feeling ever you thought, being with the love of your life once again.

"Y/N" she asked cutely while still snuggling at you.

"What is it?"

"I-I'm really sorry for anything I said and did to you, I never knew things were like that" she hugged you even tighter as you heard faint whimpers coming from her.

"Hey don't cry, I understand noona. If it makes you feel better I've forgiven you already" you said while caressing her head.


"Yep, so don't feel bad anymore, everything's gonna be fine from now on okay?"

She then pulled away from the hug and pushed you down gently, making you lie down. She got on top of you with her face really close to hers.

"So that means you wouldn't mind if I do this right?" Her face slowly closed it's distance with yours as both of your lips parted, getting ready for each other. Your eyes slowly closed as she did the same. Both of you have been waiting for this, you've longed for each other's lips since you two broke up. And finally, the three months of pain both of you endured, is coming to an end at this very moment.

Slowly, your lips touched, and locked into a kiss. Tears started falling from your eyes and hers, as this is not a kiss out of lust, but the pure love and emotions you had for each other. It's euphoric, romantic, long, passionate, but at the same time, it's soft, gentle, and innocent.

Your lips started moving on it's own as Yeji followed suit, moving hers in sync with yours, like two ballroom dancers dancing to the slow music on the center of the dance floor.

Your arms that were once resting at the floor, slowly snaked its way up unto the back of Yeji's head while the other hugged her back tightly, pulling her closer to you and deepening the kiss further. While her soft hands traveled their way up to your cheeks, cupping it tightly.

None of you wanted to let go, it's intoxicating, it's addicting. All of your worries and pain, were thrown out the window. It felt like nothing could go wrong in this world. It felt like the first time. It felt like best feeling ever. But ofcourse, you couldn't go for too long. The two of you pulled away, as you both gasped for air, trying to catch your breaths.

Smiles unconciously formed on both of your lips, as you gently wiped her tears with your thumb. You looked at each other's eyes again, both of you clearly wanted more. Your eyes once again closed, as your faces slowly got closer with each other.

"Damn they're going for another one"

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