Chapter 18

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W-who is that? Is that Yeji? It can't be her right? She wouldn't do that. My mind started panicking and startted thinking of different scenarios.

"Hello Y/N?" She asked which snapped me out of my daydream. "Noona what was that?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"What's what?"

"Don't play dumb please, where's the moaning coming from?"

"Oh sorry that was because of Ryujin"

Ryujin? Is she cheating on me with Ryujin?

"Noona are you cheating on me with Ryujin?"

"No No you misunderstood, Ryujin is watching 50 shades of gray right now"

Phew, I was about to explode. Good thing I was over thinking for nothing.

"Sorry I misunderstood, also sorry for not calling you when I got home, I just got distracted and played games with my group"

"Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal Y/N, just don't do that again alright? I got really worried"

"Alright sorry again Yeji, goodnight I love you"

"Good night, I love you too"

As I ended the call, I went back to bed and put my phone down on my table. I was about to got to sleep and my phone started ringing once again. I grabbed it and looked at the caller I.D, it's JYP sajangnim.

"Hello sajangnim, why are you calling this late?"

"Sorry to bother you but I just have something to talk with you about, tomorrow after your weekly idol guesting go straight to my office alright?"

"Alright but what is it about if I may ask?"

"Let's just talk about this tomorrow alright? Just don't forget"

"Ok-" I got cut off by the call getting ended

Huh, I wonder what we're going to talk about. I hope it's not something bad. I just shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

The next day, we appeared on weekly idol and even though it's pretty tiring, it's also really fun and I enjoyed it alot. But now is the moment of truth, I stood infront of JYP's office door waiting for his assistant's cue.

"Okay you may go in now" she said with a smile. I bowed at her before going inside the office.

"Ohh Y/N you're here, have a seat" I bowed at him before taking a seat on the chair across him.

"I'll get to the point, you know Loona's agency Blockberry Creative is having some financial troubles right?" I nodded and let him continue

"So they asked me for a favor to help them, they need some eyes on their group right now" I don't like where this is going

"And since your group is one of the hottest groups right now, and you're the most famous member of your group" Oh no, don't tell me

"I want you to date Jeon Heejin"  Ohh hell no, anything but this.

"Sajangnim, as much I want to help I need to decline this" I said with a straight face. "Wae? There's no reason to, you're not in a relationship with anyone right now and this might bring attention to your group to" I am in a relationship, I just can't reveal it to you because Yeji might get in danger. "I'm sorry sir I just can't, I don't want to do this" I stood up and head for the door.

"Is it because of Yeji?" I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around, only to see him with a smirked plastered in his face. How? How did he find out about this? We were so careful about everything.

"You two are dating aren't you? I have all rights to kick both of you out of your groups, you both are still under your dating ban, so if you want Yeji to stay in Itzy, take the offer" Fuck he has me completely cornered, I have no way out of this.

"Can I tell Yeji first?" I said with a shaky voice, I'm not one to cry easily but I'm on the verge of tears right now.

"No, this is all confidential, you can't tell anyone not even your group members" What the fuck? Why? I can't even tell anyone?

"Remember Y/N, both yours and Yeji's careers are on the line here, if you refuse it will be over for the both of you" I'm more than ready to leave my career just to be with Yeji, but I don't want the same for her. This is her dream and she worked hard for this for a long time, I don't want it all going to waste just because of me.

I took a deep breath and sighed heavily, I have no other choice. "Alright sajangnim, I'll do it" I'm sorry Yeji, I hope you understand.

"That's what I thought, you two would start next week. And about you and Yeji, you can start by breaking up with her, you can go now"

I exited the office with tears running down my face, I ran to the rooftop of the building while sobbing and crying uncontrollably. Why? Why now? Everything was going well for us. I don't want to do this but I have to, I can't do anything else.

I sat down and curled up into a ball while still crying. Suddenly, I felt someone sat down next to me and gave me a hug.

"Y/N is everything alright? You can talk to me about it" I heard the girl said

As much as I want to talk right now, but I just can't, nothing is coming out. I tried to speak up multiple times but it's like my voice is getting held back by my tears.

Good thing whoever this person beside me, is here. She's very comforting even if she's just hugging me and patting my back.

Ryujin POV

Why is he crying? Did something bad happen between them and Yeji? I hope not. But whatever the reason is, I need to be here for him and atleast comfort him. What kind of friend would I be if can't even help him right? Right, friend.

After what felt like hours, he finally decided to calm down. He pulled away from the hug and looked up to me.

"What's wrong Y/N?" I asked him while still patting his back. "It's nothing noona, I'm just having a bad day" he said while wiping his tears.

"You can talk to me about it, is it something between you and Yeji?" His face dropped just by me mentioning her name, is it really something between them?

"It's not that noona, don't worry about it too much" he looked up to me once again and flashed me a smile. But anyone would know that his smile is fake even at first glance. "I need to go now, I still have things to do" he said as he stood up and entered the building.

I know you're not ok Y/N, you can't fool me and I'll get to the bottom of this.

After our practice, we went back to our dorms and changed clothes. I went back to the living room after and saw Yeji unnie looking troubled. I walked up to her to check up on her.

"Unnie is there something wrong?" She looked up to me while pouting and nodded. "Y/N hasn't texted me back since this morning, I hope nothing's wrong with him"

"Do you have a problem with each other?"

"I don't think so, we didn't really fight or anything, he's just getting cold all of a sudden"

Wait, then he and Yeji doesn't have a problem? Why is he getting distant then? I know there's something else behind this, and I'm gonna find out what it is.

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