Omegaverse : Different types of wolves part 16

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Omegaverse different types of wolves :

Light wolf species

Long ago, the first founders of the Hero Clans were part of the great meeting, were they discussed of rules in order to keep balance. Together with the electric species, they took it upon themselves to maintain order, which resulted in the electric species eventually serving under the light species, becoming one big community called, the Hero Clans. Their job is to maintain peace, and put those that commit crimes to justice, however corruption arose from this clan as the first of its founders were not fond of the choices the leaders of the Dark Cities made , they had already began to give themselves a wicked reputation

The Hero Clans were some of the few packs that have a king or queen, which means there is a higher rank than pack leaders, a wolf that ruled an entire kingdom, it's believed that the chosen king or queen is about as great as a goddess, and that the words they speak are justified, no wolf dares to speak against them, those who dared to speak against them, those who dared to were often casted out

Strict rules remained in the pack for ages, and light wolves were either in or out, which is why most of the existing light wolves are part of the Hero Clans, those who aren't are treated poorly. As the founders long ago made these rules, they eventually broke one which was to train all young wolves when they first reach adulthood, this rule was broken because in their eyes, their children were chosen ones believing that they were born to fight for justice. That is if they chose to. Training sessions for the offspring of high commanders or leaders were extremely harsh, as they had to follow in their parents footsteps

The species itself wasn't so bad in the beginning, aside from some choices of who they took a liking to, the specie did protect and tried to maintain balance and peace. But with the current queen, whether they're unaware of it, they are starting to take a different path, as the followers do not doubt their queen and believe in every word she speaks. Blindly following orders from her words of wisdom, or so they believe. Same sex partners weren't allowed here, those that have an interest in the same sex either had to flee or live their life hidden inside their pack

Many young wolves had to face the wrath and anger of disappointed parents if they had found out if their pups had interests in the same gender. Through there are no rules in particular that are against it, and it is tolerated in many packs outside of the Hero Clans. The Hero Clans are proved to take rules to the extreme that take away more freedom than one could imagine. Many of those that fled hold a grudge against the main community, especially with the rising concern of corruption within the Hero Clans

Appearance :
They come with a yellow coat with white like markings over their body, the females have a special marking on their tail compared to the males. During the middle of the day when their power is boosted, they can use special light to form into wings to aid them in a battle with teal eyes

Habitat :
The light species itself has always remained at its place of origin, the light mountains, where the Dragon goddess of light herself fell down, causing the land to change as mountains have a yellow like tint to it. They have remained there and the biggest Hero pack is also located in the middle of these mountains

Extras 1 :

Sun flare : Releasing a quick wave of light, they can blind the opponent for a quite a few minutes
Light beam : They can further improve the basic move energy ball, if they store more energy into it to launch a powerful beam of light
Light whip : Storing energy in their mouth they are capable of creating a light whip, which they use to lash down on the opponent
Light charge : If strong enough, they can perform this powerful move, where light wraps around their entire body that takes on the appearance of a type of bird
Light judgement : A strong move that allows them to call upon rays of light to strike at the opponent

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