You got it- S.J

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You are Scarlett's little sister (also an actor) you have been nominated for best actress at the academy awards.
Age: 15 and up

This was your first big role in movie and of course you were nominated for an Oscar.

You've been running around like crazy all day and now that your at your first academy awards show you didn't know what to do with yourself.

Your anxiety was definitely getting to you. You called Scarlett this morning and she said she would be here. She's nominated as-well in the same category. That's going to be fun. Losing to your older sister once again.

You spotted RDJ. You knew he had probably seen Scarlett tonight 

"Robert" you grabbed his arm

"Hey baby Johansson, congratulations on the nomination thats phenomenal" she held your hands in his. You tried to focus on his face but there were flashing lights everywhere. Your sister was definitely much better at this than you were

"Thank you, have you seen Scarlett by chance"

"Oh yes I think she's- oh the shows starting. Coke on y/n I'll walk you to your seat"

"But-" it was too late. Robert Downey Jr was escorting you to your seat.

You watched the show for close to 3 hours fiddling nervously with the hem for your dress or looking around the room anxiously for your big sister.

Before you knew it your category was called. You looked up at the screen to see your sisters name called. A camera on her before your name was called

You smiled at the camera that was No on you quickly before turning to who was sat next to you.

"Aren't these seats supposed to be in alphabetical order. She's my sister for Christ sake we have the same last name" you whisper yelled at the poor man sitting next to you.

"And the Oscar goes to.... Y/n Johansson. Get up here sweetheart" Sandra Bullock who was announcing the Oscar called you up.

You worked with Sandra in your last project. She won an Emmy for that movie. That made you feel slightly better.

You walked up looking to find Scarlett still. The screen was showing her happy face cheering for you.

You immediately walked into Sandra's embrace.

"I'm so proud of you baby- y/n honey your shaking" you pulled away cautiously looking you over

"I need scar- I need my sister" you whispered and she kept her arms tight around you. She went back over to the mic.

"Scarlett could you come up here as-well" she spoke softly as you looked into the crowd

People were giving you sorry petty faces as the looked at your pitiful composure.

You saw Scarlett stand up and quickly make her way to the stage.

"Sissy" Sandy passed you off to Scarlett who was now on stage.

"I'm here. I'm right here. You're doing great. You won kid" she hugged you quickly.

"You gotta finish up through. We don't have much time"

The two of you made your way back to the mic. Scarlett kept a protective arm around you and Sandy gave your hand a gentle squeeze keeping it in safely in her hand as you began to speak

"I beat Scarlett" you got out and the room filled with laughter.

You did all your little thanking and apologized for your little anxiety attack before hugging Sandra one last time and walking off stage with Scarlett.

She took you back to her seat next to Colin where there was an empty seat with your name on it.

"Fucking RDJ" you cursed.

"Hey kid good job" Colin sent you a sorry look.

You sat with them quietly for the rest of the award show.


Scarlett promised you that you only had to do one interview after the show. She kept that promise like all her others

"Scarlett how do you feel about y/n winning an Oscar before you"

She looked shocked at the question

"I think she's a better actor than me to be honest" she giggled smiling at you.


A/n I'm not going to apologize for putting Sandy in here.

If you have a problem


⬆️ There's the door bitch

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