Chapter 4

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The next time Gwaine woke up he determined to stay awake this time. He sat up, slowly this time and he felt minimal pain. There was a bread roll next to him and a bright red apple. He reached out his hand and grabbed the apple. Within minutes there was only the core left and he moved on to the bread. Before long there was nothing left of that either.

Now Gwaine felt a lot better. He found a suitable hand hold on the wall and slowly hauled himself to his feet.

Once he had achieved this he stood leaning on the wall, catching his breath before slowly moving one foot forwards and then the other. He made his way towards the middle of the pit and he fully intended to make it to the other side. He would have succeeded too except that when he reached the middle he heard a faint whooshing sound before feeling a sudden pain in the top of his skull. He cried out but before he could discover the cause of his pain his vision blurred and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

As Gwaine lay on the floor time slowed down all around him and 4 ropes dropped into the pit and landed on the floor next to Gwaine with their other ends disappearing through the hatch. If anyone had been awake they would have heard an unnatural voice saying something unrecognisable and they would have seen the ropes begin to move like snakes. They twisted around Gwaine’s wrists and ankles and tied themselves in knots.

The slack from the ropes was pulled taught and Gwaine was slowly lifted from the pit.


Arthur was woken by Leon shaking his shoulder.

“Leon this better be good”, He said, rubbing his eyes.

“Gwaine has gone missing”, Leon said.

“How can he have gone missing?”, Arthur asked “We’re in a pit. There is only a limited amount of space and there is no where to hide”.

“Well he’s not here”, Leon said.

Arthur looked around and saw that Leon was telling the truth. Gwaine was nowhere to be seen.

“The only way out is up so that must be where Gwaine is”, He said “And I very much doubt Gwaine could make it up there in his condition so that leaves only one possibility. It appears that Gwaine has been taken away”.

“Well we have no idea what could they could be doing to him”, Merlin said

“What do you want me to do?”, Arthur asked

“We have to find a way out of this pit. We have to find him”, Merlin said, raising his voice slightly.

“No one is disputing that Merlin”, Arthur said “But do you actually have any idea how we do it?”. Merlin was silent.

“I didn’t think so”, Arthur said. Then he addressed everyone “It seems that Gwaine has been taken by whoever put us in this pit and I intend to find him. I don’t know how we will get out of here let alone start a search for Gwaine but we can’t just sit here anymore”. This was met with approving nods and determined looks.

The next hour was spent coming up with ideas of escape. Days of sitting in that pit had produced some very unusual ideas and most of the plans were complete unrealistic.

“We are getting nowhere”, Arthur said, burying his face in his hands.

Percival stood up and walked over to the wall. In frustration he hit It with his sword and to everyone’s surprise it stuck in the stone. Percival removed the sword and tried again. It stuck again.

Arthur stood up and walked to a different spot in the wall and stuck his sword in it.

“I think I have an Idea”, He said.

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