Chapter 9

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As time drifted by the situation became a lot more worrying. Merlin had lost consciousness soon after arriving back and Leon hadn’t responded to his friend’s anxious attempts to rouse him. Percival had taken to his bed and even though he was conscious he wasn’t moving and the only hint of life was the occasional groan coming from his cell.

Arthur looked over to Percival’s cell and saw that he had finally drifted off. He looked to Gwaine who was the only other person left awake. Gwaine smiled but there was something obviously wrong. As Arthur watched him, all the colour left his face and he clutched the bars of his cell. “Gwaine?”, Arthur said “Gwaine, are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine”, Gwaine said but as he did so his legs gave way and he grabbed the bars even tighter. Gwaine slid down to the floor and he clutched his arm, his eyes screwed shut in pain. It didn’t take long for him to lose consciousness.

Suddenly Arthur heard footsteps coming towards him and Morgana appeared. She walked over to his cell and looked at him. “It seems we are alone at last”, she said “It took them all long enough. You’d think a magic spell that increases the effects on them would be faster than that”

“What do you want Morgana?”, Arthur asked

“I only want what is rightfully mine”, Morgana said, her eyes flaring with hatred. Suddenly she rubbed her head as if she was in pain and she looked away from Arthur, muttering to someone Arthur couldn’t see. She recovered and turned her attention back to her prisoner. “This isn’t you Morgana”, Arthur said “I remember when you were my friend, you seemed content. You had everything a person could ask for. Food, a home, friends, people who loved you. Why did you throw it all away?”

“Because that wasn’t where I belonged”, Morgana said

“Where do you belong?”, Arthur asked.

“Enough questions!!”, Morgana snapped “You are my prisoner, I do not have to answer your questions!”. She began to storm from the cells but she stopped and turned around. “I have arranged some more entertainment for you. You may wish to prepare in some way however I will warn you that it is not quite what you expect. Goodbye dear brother”. And with that she turned and walked away.

Arthur sat down on his bed and rested his head in his hands. What did Morgana mean? What was going to happen next? He fought to keep calm.

Gwaine came to lying on the hard, cold floor. It was a sensation he had hoped he had seen the last of, he had been wrong. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. He looked to the cells next to him. Percival, Merlin and Leon were all unconscious but Arthur was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. He looked up at the sound of Gwaine’s groaning. Arthur seemed about to say something but then he thought better of it and looked at the ground. His face was pale and he was biting his lip the way he did when he was worried but trying to hide it because he had to figure something out.

Gradually, everyone came around but Merlin’s face was pale and he was obviously struggling to deal with whatever pain Morgana was causing him. Leon’s face was slightly green and he looked like he was about to be violently sick. Percival lay on the floor having spent several minutes drifting in and out of consciousness trying desperately to stay awake before finally regaining consciousness but being unable to even sit up without the world spinning into a dizzying blur.

Arthur stood and looked at his friends for a moment before gathering his thoughts and speaking up.

“Morgana came to me earlier”, he said and he immediately had everyone’s attention “She hinted that we will be facing some new challenge that none of us have yet experienced”

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