Chapter 10

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Gradually, Arthur became aware that he was lying face down on a freezing cold floor. He tried to move but even the slightest movement sent pain flaring through most of his body. He groaned and then tried to compose himself. After a while Arthur gritted his teeth, gathered his courage and rolled over onto his back. Pain, everywhere. He cried out in agony as his whole body exploded in a pain he had never come close to experiencing. It took him several minutes to bring himself to open his eyes and when he did he imediately regretted it. Even the dim light of the cells was too much for him and it felt like someone had lit a fire inside his head. He cried out again and sheiled his face with his hands but this only sent pain shooting through his arms and down his sides causing him to cry out even louder. Slowly, his cries dimmed to groans as he lay there with his hands over his face. Even breathing hurt and he could practially feel the stares from his companions baring deep into his flesh but he couldn’t bring himself to care. To keep up his appearance of being in control and hiding his pain and fears was simply too much.


Leon sat and watched Arthur for what felt like a life time. His king simply lay there with his hands hiding his face and groaned. Leon had been awake to see Arthur drink the poison but he hadn’t been able to do anything to help and something inside him had said that if the guards had attacked him he wouldn’t have been able to stay strong like Gwaine had and he knew that Merlin couldn’t have. The only people among them who had been anything like normal had been Arthur and Gwaine but Arthur was now a complete wreck and Gwaine had collapsed soon after arriving back in the cells. Fear clutched at his stomach as Leon considered what could happen to his friends.


Merlin was slowly going crazy. He could feel himself losing his grip on reality. His chest hurt like crazy and every movement sent yet more pain spreading to part of his body Merlin hadn’t even known could hurt this much. On top of the pain, Arthur was groaning almost without stopping for breath and from where he was, Merlin couldn’t see him so the only hin the had to show that Arthur was alive was his constant groans which couldn’t come close to conveying the amount of pain Arthur must be in. And so he lay there, trying not t move, listening to Arthur’s non-stop moaning and feeling his grasp on reality slip furthur and furthur and he couldn’t help but wonder if he would be better off losing his mind.

Arthur remained in his position for what felt like a very long time until he finally felt that he didn’t have it in him to even let out the slight groans anymore and he fell silent. The silence bounced of the walls and was even more distracting than the non-stop moans of a man in unbearable agony. As Arthur lay on the floor the silence became unbearable and he somehow found it in himself to move his hands from his face open his eyes. He was greated by the worried face of Leon, staring at him through the bars. His body exploded in pain again and he cried out and bolted upright, clutching his head. Eventually the pain began to ebb enough for him to look up into the eyes of his concerned friend. He tried to give him a reassuring smile but even this slight movement sent a stabbing pain through his face causing his features to contort in pain which only succeeded in making Leon more worried.


Gwaine woke up lying under his blanket. It was scratchy and rough against his bare skin but it was warmer than nothing and he was grateful. He lay there for a while before he managed to rouse himself and look around. Arthur was lying on the floor with his hands on his face and was leting out the ocasional moan. Gwaine was filled with anger at what Morgana had done to his friends. He walked up to door and threw himself at the bars, releasing all his anger and fear on the metal. Something rattled in a way that a cell door shouldn’t rattle. Gwaine shook the bars again and the rattle echoed around the cells and now Gwaine was certain that it shouldn’t rattle like that. He leaned closer to the lock and shook the bars again. The rattle was definitely coming from there.

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