Chapter 18

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A/N: I went to the cinema to watch Cinderella today. IT WAS SO ENCHANTED. I'm a total sucker these romantic fairytales stuffs XD. Btw, It's nearly the end for this story. Please stay tune until the end. I hope you like this story. COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU LIKE :))).

I had been avoiding Ken's calls for 2 weeks, because I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. I knew we wouldn't end well in the end, why continue to torture ourselves? If we meet, the parting would be harder. More unbearable, than it already was. I wouldn't be able to detached from him. And also because it was exam week. I had to study, actually I had been studying non-stop. To distract myself from the thoughts of him.
Not that he cared much though. He only called 4 times. Left 3 voice mails. And gone. He had been gone for a week. Maybe he knew that we couldn't have the happily ever after we dreamt of. Maybe he thought we'd better off like I thought too. At least we had that in common.
I had to stop thinking about this. Only one subject left for my exam. I was lying on my bed with tons of papers and handouts surrounded me. I aimed for perfect scores in everything. Though it didn't seem possible.
Knock. Knock.
I didn't get to give the permission to the knocker but he/she came in anyway. She. My mom.
"Mom, What's the point of knocking when you come and go as you pleased.". I sighed. Not that I minded. I didn't have any secrets from her. Anymore. But-Never Mind.
"Okay. I won't knock next time." I rolled my eyes.
"So what's the matter?" I asked.
"Just checking on you."
"Checking on me? Why? You're afraid I might kill myself or something? Or that I would sneak a boy up through the window? If that's really what you think, I can assure y-"
"I'm afraid you might die out of heartbroken." I groaned. We had approached this subject before at dinner table when I excused myself to my room claiming that I was full and that I had to review my lessons for exam, even though I wasn't full and it was sushi-night-my favorite-when the question popped up. As if I needed another reason to be angry with Ken. He ruined my sushi night.
"Not again, mom." I had been studying to distract my sadness, but why did they keep bringing it up?
"You have to face the truth. I see that the boy loves you."
"Too bad I don't love him."
"You are lying. Just give him another chance. Give this relationship between you and him a second chance. And he left this for you" A second chance? Mom held out a small rectangular package about the size of a paperback book, wrapped with blue paper. I pretended like I didn't care, so mom left it on my night-desk. As soon as I heard mom's footstep landed downstairs, I jumped for the package. It was a necklace. With a heart shape pendant. Carved on the heart was a sun. A sun just at the pointy bottom of the heart. The sun was shining. Rising. Dawn.
I was touched. There was a letter too.
Dear Kris,
I love you. I know you're upset with me. I hope you forgive me. I hope you give me another chance. I hope you give us another chance, because I still believe in us. I will go the music college in Atlanta. And you can come too. You can attend a college there too. We will live together. We will share an apartment. We will share our future. About my mom I figured her out. She agreed with us. Please take this risk, Kris. I just can't give us up like this. I can't lose you. Take the risk, I love you.
Forever yours,

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