Chapter 14: Fight to the death

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Gen and Bella hadn't heard about any queen, and they had presumed that none of the kingdoms would have them. However, it was nice to see a female in power. Enough of only the men ruling.

"Nice to meet you. I am Genevieve and this is Bella." Gen decided to introduce them. Clara inspected them and even sniffed them before she questioned. "Are you humans?"

Gen knew that Maed had instructed them to lie if asked that question. But Gen had seen the consequences of lying in the previous kingdom, so she decided to answer honestly.

"Yes, we're humans." Gen revealed and Clara smirked in response.

"We're representatives of the central kingdom and we are here for the renewal of the treaties." Bella spoke and Clara just had an amused expression on her face all along.

"Interesting. As far as I remember, I told our patrolling guards that we didn't wish to renew the treaties. I think I must do something to improve their memory." Clara was agitated but kept on smiling.

The girls were confused. Was there some kind of misunderstanding or miscommunication between the king and the queen?

"The guards stopped us, but the king's second in command let us in." Bella revealed and Clara laughed in response.

"Second in command?" It was more of a statement than a question. Clara could understand everything crystal clear. The king seemed to be getting ahead of himself. Maybe he needed a reminder of who he was and what he deserved.

Clara observed how the girls were getting food and felt pity for them. "I see you're hungry. Eat whatever you want and if you want something else, feel free to make something for yourself or call someone to make it for you." She was going to let them have one last meal peacefully.

The girls were overjoyed to hear Clara's words and thought of her as a sweet and kind angel. They ate their meal and enjoyed it heartily. After their meal, they were heading back to their room when Gen felt a pull on her arm and was taken to a corner. She was surprised to see Maed, but there was something about his body language that indicated that something was wrong.

"Is something wrong?" Gen asked in a concerned tone.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" Maed spoke dejectedly and Gen didn't know what to say.

"Lying is bad, and it could've landed me in trouble. Plus, the queen is so sweet, why didn't you tell me about her?" Gen questioned.

"Sweet? She is a monster. Don't fall for her words. She's cunning and evil. Stay away from her, please. Plus, she isn't technically the queen." He spoke and Gen was double-minded. She didn't know who was good or who to trust- the man in the cloak or the woman that fed her?

"I don't understand. Who are you? Why do you wear this cloak all the time? What is going on here that I have to be so cautious?" Gen spoke her mind and let everything out.

"I'll answer your questions soon. For now, please take care and stay in your room. I beg you." He concluded and walked away before Gen could reply.

Gen went back to her room, but her mind was in a frenzy. There was just so much in her brain right now, there was an information overload. It was her first day in a new kingdom and she met two mysterious people. She decided to take a shower, knowing that it would make her feel better.

After a while, she heard a knock on the door and went up to open it. Outside stood a young man with his head held low.

"Dear guests, the queen has invited you both to the amphitheater since she has arranged some entertainment for you." He spoke and Bella jumped in excitement. She was really bored, and she love watching various types of performances. Gen was a little skeptical after her conversation with Maed, but when Bella insisted, she decided to go.

The amphitheater was filled with people and Clara sat in the middle with two empty seats next to her. Gen tried to look around to spot the king, but there was no sign of him.

"Welcome, welcome. I arranged this specially for you two. I hope you enjoy." Clara spoke and the girls smiled in return.

They were expecting some kind of dancing or singing performance. They wouldn't even mind watching a play or an orchestra. It had been a long time since they visited such a place, so were excited for whatever was in store. On the stage appeared two muscular men.

"What if this is some kind of boxing match? Or a strip show?" Bella suggested and Gen immediately grew red.

"They are your species- humans." Clara clarified, but in a sort of demeaning tone.

But ensued next was a gruesome fight. The men began to hit, punch, and kick each other with all force. Left hook. Right hook. Uppercut. The men got severely injured, with blood seeping out from various places. The girls couldn't believe their eyes, this was not what they expected. Far from it.

"What is going on? Stop this! That man is going to die!" Gen screamed alarmingly.

"That is the point of this fight. A fight to the death. Isn't it interesting? It is the king's favorite." Clara replied and the girls were speechless.

They couldn't just watch a person die, it was cruel, inhumane, and just wrong. How could they call this entertainment? Now Gen understood Maed's warnings. Gen felt sick and disturbed. She stood up from her seat and held Bella's hand, since she couldn't stand staying in such a place any longer.

"Where do you think you two are going?" Clara questioned and two men stopped the girl's way.

"We'd like to go back to our rooms." Gen spoke confidently and Clara let out a wicked laugh.

"You can't go back. You're next." Clara stated and a shiver ran down the girl's spine. They weren't going to fight each other, no way.

"How can you do such things? Do you have no shame? No conscience? We are your guests; you should treat us with respect. This whole thing is ridiculous." Bella lashed out.

"You are in my kingdom, so you better watch your tone. You came at your own discretion. Besides, these were the king's orders. He loves violence and blood. You should get used to it." Clara uttered menacingly. The girls couldn't believe their ears. This place was like hell.

"I need to speak to the king." Gen requested since this king was evidently the root of the problem. How can he allow such things? He turned out to be the total opposite of what she had imagined.

"Oh look, the king decided to grace us with his presence." Clara mocked and Gen turned around to see a tall man, dressed in all black, with a huge scar that grazed his face. That scar seemed a little familiar, but Gen couldn't remember that exact moment. The king would constantly ignore Gen's gaze and only looked down.

"Damien, your guests seem to have a problem with the kind of entertainment we provide. I told them it was your favorite, isn't it?" Clara spoke tauntingly, but the king stayed silent and expressionless.

"I was thinking that we should put them in a ring and watch them fight, what do you say?" Clara tried to provoke Damien for a reaction and this time he stared at Clara. It seemed as if they were talking through the mind-link.

"How about we make one of them fight now, and save the other one for later?" Clara came up with vile suggestions which were horrifying for the girls.

"Eenie." Clara pointed towards Bella. "Meenie." Clara pointed towards Gen. "Minie" Bella. And right before she was going to point towards Gen again, a loud sound echoed throughout the amphitheater.


But that sound. It came from King Damien. But it was awfully familiar. That scar. She stared at it for a little longer and pondered. Then she remembered. The wolf. The one that was going to attack. And that voice.

Suddenly the realization dawned upon Genevieve.




King Damien was Maed. 

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