Chapter 37: Farewell

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The words that came out of Bella's mouth did not make any sense to Gen. She was baffled. What was going on? How could they reject her? Did she hear Bella right?

"How can they do that Bella? Do you even know what that means?" Gen could just imagine how heartbroken and distraught Bella might have been, but she was also tensed that she may have been the root cause.

"Gen..." Bella began, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What do you mean?" Gen tried to act dumb to avoid the topic, but it was inevitable.

"The kings told me that they thought that you were their mate since the start," Bella spoke, and Gen felt like she was caught.

"Bella, it was a misunderstanding," Gen tried to clarify, "You are their true mate."

"Gen, I know. But..." Bella took a pause. "It isn't working out between us." She told Gen, and Gen listened to her intently.

"We spent some time together, and it was great. The kings took great care of me and made sure that they were always there for me. But even when they were physically with me, I knew that their mind and heart were somewhere else," she said, and Gen felt guilty for what happened.

"They decided to tell me the truth recently, and I was hurt. But I was also glad that they decided to tell me early on before my feelings for them grew," Bella confessed.

"I'm so sorry Bella," Gen apologized, and she couldn't even meet her eyes.

"You don't have to apologize Gen; it is not your fault. It was obvious by the way the kings looked at you and talked about you, but I was just too blind to notice," Bella professed. "And I know that you truly love them too."

Gen didn't want to admit it, and she tried to push back her feelings, but she wasn't able to hide them well.

"You should go meet them before it is too late. I'll be stepping out for a while, so I won't be home," Bella told her, and Gen went to Bella's place immediately.

As soon as she stepped inside Bella's place, her heart sank since she realized that the kings had left. All of their things were gone, and the house was completely empty. Her heart shattered when she realized that she had missed her chance and she wouldn't be able to see them again. She broke down, covered her face with her palms, and crouched down in a corner.

All of a sudden she heard the sound of footsteps walking toward her. She looked up and saw that the kings were there, and they hadn't left.

"What happened, why are you crying?" They asked Gen in concern, and she felt revived to see them, "You're here!"

"Damien forgot his English Ivy," Lucius pointed at the plant, and Gen felt relieved as she looked at it.

They wiped her tears and tears and questioned, "How come you're here and why were you crying?"

"I thought you all had left. Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye?" Gen countered, and the kings did want to meet her, but they resisted the urge.

"We thought you wouldn't want to see us," They uttered in a low tone, and Gen disliked how they had become.

"I met Bella, and she told me that you all told her everything," Gen disclosed, and the kings nodded. "How can you reject her? Do you have any idea how much you've hurt her?" Gen asked them, and they felt embarrassed.

"We feel bad for Bella as well, and we apologized to her earnestly. We know that our apology cannot fix the damage we caused, but we did this for her. We couldn't give her the love she deserved, and she would just be unhappy with us," The kings spoke, and Gen thought it was absurd.

"But she is your mate! Your one and only mate. Mates are sacred for werewolves. Are you sure you've made the right decision?" Gen queried.

"We know. And that is why we tried to give it a chance. But no matter how much we tried; we didn't feel the bond," the kings replied, and Gen thought it was strange.

"But what about the heat? You got close during that period," Gen reminded them.

"It was only temporary, and that was due to our primal instincts. But even when we were at her place, we never crossed boundaries and were always conscious of our actions," The kings explained since they knew that it would be a deal breaker if something happened between them and Bella. The kings always had Gen on their minds, and they were careful not to do anything, which could potentially cause irreversible damage.

"So, what will you do now?" Gen inquired, and they had been pondering over it.

They had contemplated having both Gen and Bella as their mates since if Gen and Bella could handle four mates, they could also handle two. But again, they felt like it wouldn't be fair for either one of them, and they would be biased toward Gen. This would cause problems such as jealousy, envy, and rivalry between Bella and Gen, and they didn't want that.

But the kings had to say what was in their hearts and let Gen know how they truly felt, "We always thought that our mate would mean everything to us. But it meant nothing if you weren't our mate. So, we decided that if you weren't our mate, we would rather not have anyone else." They knew that they were jeopardizing the future of their kingdoms and throwing away everything they had.

Gen was moved by their words, and she wanted to get back with them, but she was unsure whether she was willing to leap into their arms again. There were a lot of risks involved, and she knew she wouldn't be able to handle another heartbreak. She had to safeguard her heart and put herself first.

"I don't think I am ready to make such a commitment. I'm sorry,"  she told the kings straightforwardly, and the kings felt in despair. 

They wished that they had more time, but they had to go back to their respective kingdoms. They couldn't believe that it was almost the end of their month in the Central Kingdom. Time had flown by quickly, and a lot of unexpected things happened. They came to the kingdom with a different person in mind, but then everything turned upside down. They didn't spend all their time in vain since they did have some happy moments, but the unhappy moments seemed to overweigh them.

They wished that they could go back in time and still be together with Gen, but that was not possible. They only had one way, and that too was near impossible. It was far-fetched and unlikely. But they were not ones to give up, and they decided to give it a shot. They gathered all their energy and spoke in one voice,

"Will you come back with us?"

Author's Note:
Hi everyone! Apologies for the late update, I was super sick the past week. I was contemplating how I should end this story and I finally settled for one. Can you guess what it'll be?
Thank you for reading.
Lots of love xoxo
Happy reading!

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