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❝ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ sɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ sᴏᴜʟs.❞


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𝟏 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

Putting my suitcase aside, I took out the keys from the pocket of my jeans and put them inside the door's hole. I twisted it and it let out a small 'click', indicating that it's opened. I grabbed the suitcase and opened the door, entering my new dorm.

Yes, I'm finally going to live in school dorms. It took me a little time but I was successful in making my parents agree for me to live in a dorm. They were kinda against it but also with it. They said that it would be good for me to live in a dorm cause I'm not a social person and always stays in my room.

Anyways, I scanned the small dorm. A small living room and a kitchen. There were two doors. I dragged my suitcase towards one of the doors and opened it. It was a bathroom. Pretty clean. Not too big nor too small. I gasped when I saw a bathtub and squealed, excited to take bath in it and closed the door.

I opened the door and it was a bedroom. My eyes went wide when I saw two beds there, almost the size of a queen bed. The room was quite big. There were three cupboards in front of the beds. 

I left the suitcase on the door and jumped on the bed on the left side, beside the window and snuggled on the soft pillow.

ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ's ᴘᴏᴠ

My eyes scanned the words on my phone screen as I dragged my suitcase along with me. I shifted my gaze to the doors and on the numbers written on them. "43...43..." I continued to mutter, trying to find the door number with '43' written on it. "Got it!" I chimed when I finally found it. 

I took out the keys that the principal gave me and put them inside the door's hole. I frowned when it got stuck when I twisted it. Removing my hand from the key, I twisted the doorknob and bam! It was open. 

Shrugging, I entered inside and removed my shoes but my gaze fell on the pair of pink sneakers kept in the doorway. Seems to be a girl's. I was already informed that my roommate would be a girl instead of a boy because of some technical issues.

A small chuckle escaped my lips when I noticed how small they look beside my black boots. I walked inside the small dorm and scanned the surroundings. It was small and cozy, just like I want. I prefer small and cozy ones instead of big ones. Smalls ones are easy to maintain.

I dragged the suitcase towards one of the two doors present there and opened it. It was a bedroom with two beds. I tilted my head with a frown when I saw a figure laying on one of the beds, facing its back towards me. 

It was small and obviously a girl because of the long hair they got. I left the suitcase and walked towards the girl. The figure somehow feels to be familiar. I peeked at her face when I reached beside her bed and my eyebrows jumped up. It was my deskmate, Lee Eunji.

Wow, I didn't even recognize her. Probably because I'm used to seeing her in school uniform and now seeing her in casuals is kinda weird. Casuals and uniforms make a huge difference. 

I scanned her body. She was wearing a shirt, which kinda looked good. On downwards, she was wearing a white skirt, which was rose and I could see her safety shorts peeking out a little, which kinda saved me from embarrassment.

I poked her shoulder but no reaction. Is she dead?

I crouched down with my left arm around my legs and poked her again with my right finger. "Eunji," I called her name, poking her arm again. Still no response. I pout and did I do to with my friends, which was to aggressively shake them and that's what I did. I grabbed her arm and aggressively shook her.

Finally, a groan was heard from her and she suddenly faced me. Honestly, she looked cute. Her lips were a little parted with her hair messed up, but I found it cute. I don't know why girls call them ugly whenever they wake from sleep, they look cute with bed hair.

(A/N: See mine and you will run miles away from me ;-;
Jungkook: Okay ;-;
A/N: Good ;-;)

Oh, she opened her eyes. Her eyes instantly met mine since I was crouching down and the next moment, I heard an ear-piercing scream, which was from Eunji. I don't what happened but I also screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" We screamed for good 30 seconds before she sat up and then, I felt a stinging pain on the side of my head and the next moment, I was on the ground, unconscious.

I groaned when I felt a very painfully pain on my forehead. Opening my eyes, I was met with a white ceiling. With the support of my left elbow, I pushed myself up. My eyes clenched shut when I again felt pain shooting through my forehead and whined while holding my head.

"I'm sorry." A feminine voice spoke up. I opened my eyes, turned my head and saw Eunji sitting beside the bed, on a chair. Her head was hung down as she was fiddling her skirt with her fingers. I could see her pouting while biting her lower lip.

"W-What happened?" I asked, sitting properly and twisted my waist to face her.

"Uh..." She gulped while looking everywhere but me. I could see her ears turning red. "I-I actually hit you with a..."

"With a what?"

"With my shoulder bag..." She whispered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just you surprised me. I got scared like I just woke up and saw a man in front of me. I panicked and picked up the first thing I saw, which was my bag and hit you with that. I didn't know it was you!" She rambled out.

"It's okay, I can understand." I understood her. I also would be scared like a dumbshit if I saw someone unexpected when I saw just woke up.

"D-Do you want to eat something then we can talk?" She finally looked at me. I felt something inside my chest, like something painful when our eyes met. 

She was never an eye-contact person. She usually avoids my eyes and would look away. But whenever she accidentally looks, I don't know what happens but I would feel something in my chest. Her eyes were the thing I like about her the most. They were dark brown, a little large and long eyelashes, those who anyone can think she applied make-up.

I gulped and nodded. Like a flash, she dashed out of the room.

 Like a flash, she dashed out of the room

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