CH 1 - Little Girl

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"Yeeun-ah!" Jeongguk smiles before he hugged his daughter.

"Did you have fun with your eomma?" Jeongguk kisses her chubby cheeks repeatedly making her giggles.

"En, but I like being with daddy more!" Yeeun hugs Jeongguk's neck.

When Jeongguk heard his daughter said, his heart feels heavy but at the same time warmed. Yeeun's mother and him split up when she's just two months old because she wanted to pursue her career. 

Jeongguk had tried to coax her to not leave them but she was firmed. So he let her go and raise their daughter alone. Yeeun's mother agreed to meet her daughter once in a month after she reached two years old. Today is the day when Yeeun would be with her mother. He is happy that Yeeun had fun with her mother.

But, seems like their usual meeting time were cut short today? Yeeun's mother sent her back here early than they promised before.

Jeongguk is baffled because it's near lunch time and he will be very busy. The bakery will be filled with lots of customers. However, he loves his daughter more and he is sure Yeeun can behave herself while he's working.

"You like being with daddy more? When we can only be together here at this bakery everyday?" Jeongguk bops his nose at his daughter.

"Doesn't matter where we are as long as I'm with daddy! Yeeun loves daddy the most!" Yeeun said while giggling.

Jeongguk was touched and he immediately carries her in his arms, bringing her to one of the table, sat her on the chair.

"Daddy loves Yeeun the most too! Now, since daddy has to work, Yeeun can wait here and behave okay? Daddy will be there, watching you." Jeongguk said, his finger showing where he would be working with a smile oñ his face.

Yeeun nodded cheerfully, taking out her colour book and colour pencils from her bag and put it on the table. When she started to colouring, Jeongguk quietly walked away and resumes his duty.

Yeeun is a very well-behaved girl. She is obedient and rich with smiles. She rarely shows her anger or discomfort towards Jeongguk and always put his heart at ease. Jeongguk loves his daughter so much and he is willing to do anything just to make her happy.

"Gguk-ah, it's almost lunch time and more people will fill this place, we should get ready now!" Seokjin said and Jeongguk nods understood.

His eyes glances on his daughter from time to time, monitoring her so she will be okay. As usual, during lunch time, the bakery is bustling with peoples and both Jeongguk and Seokjin are occupied with the customers.

Today, their part timer, Yoonseo took a leave as he fell ill so they were short on staff during peak hour. Jeongguk's bakery is located near the building of publishing company and university so his bakery had been visited by a lot of people. Although busy, Jeongguk was grateful that people like his cakes and pastries and the bakery doing so well.

One day, when he has enough saving, he wants to open a bigger bakery and cafe. Right now, they can't afford to open a cafe yet but he's getting there. He had discussed with Seokjin and both of them agreed to work hard and saving up to achieve their goal. Jeongguk also has to save enough because Yeeun will enroll in school starting next year.

So, he has been spending his money carefully. He didn't care if he hadn't changed his clothes for few years or going vacation or anything that needs a lot of money. Of course including dating anybody. He cares about his daughter the most and that's what his priority be.

"Hmm, smell so good!" A blond-haired man uttered outside of the bakery.

"I think it's from inside this place!" Another man with brown hair said.

"It's a bakery and cake shop? Do you want to take a look?" The other one with blue hair said.

"Sounds good! Let's go in!" The blond said.

Inside the bakery, filled with so many peoples that they having quite a hard time crowded with others choosing what they want to buy.

But, the blond's eyes suddenly caught on a sight of a little girl trying to reach a bread that placed on the high rack. Because she is small, her hands cannot reach the bread she wants.

The blond didn't know why but instinctively he walks closer to her and takes the bread, giving it to her. The little girl smiles so brightly that the blond was awed by it and unknowingly cracking a smile too.

"Thank you for helping me, ahjussi!" She said politely and bowed to him.

"What a good manner little girl!" The blond uttered in his heart.

"You're welcome!" He replied, another smile adorned on his face.

The little girl grinned and ran away, taking a seat on the table at the corner of the store. The blond stares at her, can't help but adore her cute face and the way she behaved.

"Cute!" He uttered.

"Min-ah, I've picked mine! How about yours? We want to go pay for it now!" The brown haired guy called.

"Oh, you guys can pay first! I'm going to pick something." He answered.

"Okay!" The brown haired man replied, going straight to the cashier counter.

After choosing some breads and pastries, the blond who called as 'Min' pays for his purchase and walked out from the shop with his other two friends.

Before that, he didn't forget to take a glance once again at the little girl who is coincidentally look at him too.

She waves her little hands cheerfully and he waved at her back. He didn't know why but the little girl makes him feel something. A feeling where he feels the need to care for her, to smile at her and to make her happy. Well, he loves everything adorable too.

"Hopefully we meet again, little girl!" He whispered that only him can hear it.

A/n : 1st chapter is done! Hope y'all like it! 🥰

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