CH 3 - Going Outside

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Jeongguk is busy in the kitchen, baking cakes and pastries when his little angel comes in, tugging his uniform softly. Jeongguk turns his head, looking at Yeeun with adore.

"What is it, baby? Do you want to eat something?" He asked.

Yeeun shakes his head small. Jeongguk's eye brows frowned.

"Then, what do you want, Yeeun-ah?" Jeongguk gently asked again his daughter.

"Can Yeeun play outside?" She directed her fingers at outside the bakery. She looks up at her father with pure, almost watery eyes and it makes Jeongguk inevitably weak.

"I want to give you permission, but daddy is worried for your safety, Yeeun-ah! No one will look over you and daddy needs to work right now. Daddy is sorry, but can't you just stay here, princess?" Jeongguk feels guilty that he can't let Yeeun play outside when he's working but he can't afford to gamble over his daughter's safety.

Yeeun's face looks sad for awhile but then it changed into a beautiful smile.

"Yeeun won't go far, just beside the big glass of this place. Daddy can see me there. Yeeun promise, she will not make daddy worry. I will behave. Yeeun just want to see them playing." She pleads innocently and cleverly too.

She made Jeongguk became speechless. He cannot trust his daughter words because as far as he wanted to, danger didn't obey to the rules. Kids didn't understand how much anxiety a parents have just to protect their child.

But Jeongguk didn't want to force his feeling over his daughter. She has already gone through a lot and she had already being understanding more than the others kids at her age could do because of her parents situation. Jeongguk sighed.

"Hyung, just let her play outside! It's not that far, just beside this shop. While I'm here at the counter, I can take a look at her too from time to time. I believe Yeeun will behave because she's a very good girl, right?" Yoonseo speaks, winking at Yeeun, making her giggles.

"Eung, Yeeun will behave and just sit at the big glass. Daddy, please! 🥺" That's it, Jeongguk lost his whatever reason because of that cute puppy eyes.

He glanced and squinted his eyes at Yoonseo, half-heartedly accepting what he said.

"Hmmm, okay then! Don't go anywhere else except beside the glass. Make sure Yoonseo Oppa can see you from inside, okay?" Jeongguk reluctantly gives her his permission.

"Yeayyy! Yes, daddy! Don't worry, Yeeun will only sit there. Promise!" She grins so wide, showing his pinky finger to seal the promise with her father.

Jeongguk brings his pinky finger too, wraps it around his daughter's and seal the deal. As soon as the deal was sealed, the little girl ran outside, sitting at the place she had mentioned before.

Jeongguk monitors her for a bit before he asked Yoonseo to watch over her since he needs to resume his bakings.

Yeeun is fascinated watching the kids playing at the playground near the bakery. It's not far from the bakery but if she goes there, her daddy still cannot see her and she didn't want to make her daddy worry.

Even though she cannot play with them, she is happy she can watch them from afar.

You see, Yeeun has a talent. She is very good at drawing. Even Jeongguk didn't know about it. Yeeun can draw whatever she saw not perfectly but decent. 

She always hide her drawing books from Jeongguk and he eventually never asked from her anymore because he wants to teach his daughter that privacy is important too and it is needed in life.

However, he did taught her too that sometimes, there are things that cannot be hide as of something like her safety and her problems. Other than that, he let her do what she wants as long as she is happy.

Jeongguk is aware for a kid her age, Yeeun is unique and intelligent because she can understand quickly, early than what she suppose to. He sometimes wonder if it a good thing or a bad thing and sends him quite dilemma.

She tooks out his sketch book that Jeongguk bought for her, and her pencils. Slowly she starts to sketch roughly on his drawing book. She draws kids playing at the playground. She is too focused on her drawing not noticing someone is watching her.

"What makes you become so quiet, Jimin-ah?" Hoseok asked.

" see that little girl?" Jimin replied, eyes on Yeeun.

Hoseok looks at the direction Jimin asked him and saw a small girl, sitting facing the playground and seems like she is drawing something. But what he didn't understand is why is Jimin too focused on her? They are suppose to wait for Yoongi, instead he keep watching that girl. Hoseok is confused.

"Yeah, I saw it! So?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin rolled his eyes before he said.

"Look at what she is drawing! She is talented."

Hoseok squinted his eyes, trying to decipher what the girl is drawing of but he can't see it well. He can't pin point where exactly that Jimin said she's talented?

"Huh? How can you say so? I can't see shit! We are a bit too far from where she is sitting. I don't know how her drawing looks like." Hoseok expressed his thought.

"But I can see it! She's drawing the kids playing at the playground. She drew it well too." Jimin replied, eyes never part from the little girl.

"What are you? Your eyes can see it from here? Wow! That's amazing, not that I don't know that but just, admiring you?" Hoseok grinned after making a shocked face.

"If my eyes didn't good, I won't be holding shooting license and plane piloting." Jimin answered sarcastically.

"Right, you are! So what if that kid talented? You're taken a liking at her? Min-ah, don't be pedophile please. I don't believe my bestie become like that. I will make sure you go to jail if you have that in your mind!" Hoseok half joking but also half serious.

"Stupid! I'm not pedophile. I don't know why, but she makes my heart soften. She's a adorable. Remember when I told you about a little girl that I helped at the bakery?" Jimin raised his eye brows.

"Yeah, I remember it! Is she the girl?"

"Correct. She is that little girl. That well mannered and polite little girl. I just want to be friends and talk to her. Her smiles like little bunny and her dimples, no need to say more. " Jimin explains.

"Hmmm, I see! What you gonna do, now?" Hoseok asked.

"I will become her friend. But for now, watching her here is already enough." He answered.

Hoseok shaking his head over Jimin's weird behavior but he know too much to not provoke the dragon.

Hoseok shaking his head over Jimin's weird behavior but he know too much to not provoke the dragon

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